What are the Obligatory of Islam-pray

In the requirements of the Islamic religion, there are differences in the two Sunni and Shiea religions, which will be discussed below.
(more…)In the requirements of the Islamic religion, there are differences in the two Sunni and Shiea religions, which will be discussed below.
(more…)These are the actions that a Shiite Muslim must perform.
1- Prayer 2-Fasting 3- Hajj 4- Jihad 5- Khums 6- Zakat 7- Taula: It means friendship with good and faithful people 8- Tabara That is, enmity with God’s enemies 9- Order to do good 10-Prohibition of denial :That is, to prevent people from doing bad things
According to Shiea, God has sent the prophets in order to guide humanity. And the earth has never been free from the friends of God. Because the Prophet of Islam was the last of the prophets. And 1400 years have passed since his Prophet. So it is not logical that God sent 124,000 prophets to the people before Islam. But no one has been appointed for the post-Islam era. Therefore, the Shiites believe that God has given the Imams a continuation of human guidance after the Prophet.
(more…)It seems that the Shiite religion forbids harming oneself during mourning, and does not allow Muslims to harm the body, except for defense.In the history book of Tabari, it is stated that on the night of Ashura, Imam Hussein recited poems next to the tent, which was a sign of his martyrdom the next day.
Hazrat Zainab (Imam Hussein’s sister) heard her voice, immediately cried out, and slapped her on the face, and fainted. The Imam advised her after she had recovered, and ordered her to wait for God, and He swore to God that, after his martyrdom, he would not tear his shirt and not injure his face. Now the question is, how does the Imam give such an order to his sister at that time, but the Shiites are allowed to do so after 1400 years? In the mourning of the Imam, they should harm themselves in this way.
Islam is the last religion sent by God to guide humanity. Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of God.
(more…)Name: Mohammed bin Abdullah
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is called “Ahmad” in the Torah and some scriptures. Amina, the daughter of Wahhab, the mother of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had called her “Ahmad” before naming her son Abdulmutallab.
Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): On Friday, the seventeenth day of Rabi’ah (570 AD) (Shiite version).
Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad: Mecca, in the land of Hejaz (present-day Saudi Arabia).
A Muslim is one who accepts the religion of Islam. Islam has principles like those of Jewry and Christianization. Islam is based on three principles.
Islam believes that man must do good research to find the right path. And research must be based on the three principles of monotheism:
(more…)Shiites believe that every Muslim, in addition to believing in the three principles of monotheism, prophecy, and resurrection, must accept the other two principles, which include justice and Imamate.
Muhammad is the Prophet of Islam, whose book is also called the Qur’an, composed of 114 surahs. (Each surah contains a portion of the Qur’an that talks about a particular subject.