What is a Wudu

1-Washing the face
2- Washing the right hand
3- Washing the left hand
4- Touching the head
5-Touching the right foot
6-Touching the left foot
Wudu: means washing hands and face, touching the head and feet before any worship. The method of Wudu differs between the Sunnis and the Shiites.
We explain the Shi’ism we believe in. First you have to wash your face from the hair to the chin. Then you wash the right hand from the elbow to the fingertips. Then wash the left hand from the elbow to the fingertips. Now you have to put the right hand on the head (called head mas). Then he put his right hand on his right foot ( foot mas). Then he put his left hand on his left foot. From fingertips to ankles.( “MAS means to touch).