Intelligent natural selection or imaginary evolution
Therefore, according to the Qur’an and the history of the Arabs, the issue of 6 days for creation is not accepted as a normal day. The commentators of the Holy Qur’an have all rejected it. The same sentence of Allameh Tabatabai, the great commentator of the Qur’an, is mentioned in the interpretation of the creation of the earth in two days: , Not two days of ordinary and promised days of our minds, because the day in our opinion of the inhabitants of the earth is the amount of motion of the earth around itself, which one round we call a day (or in other words: a day and night), And the possibility that the meaning of two days in the verse of such a day is the possibility of corruption and its corruption is clear to everyone.
According to the above evidence, the first question of nature lovers is rejected, and we do not believe in the sudden creation of the heavens and the earth.
Answer the second question
The second question had two parts, the first part of which was again the discussion of the creation of the earth in two days. According to the description of the first question in this section, it will be answered. And according to the commentators of the Qur’an, it does not mean an ordinary day and the creation of the earth has been gradual. But about the second part of the question, which is related to the creation of beings, especially Adam. It is necessary to explain a little to better understand the matter.
Before starting the specialized discussion, I must emphasize that in the Holy Qur’an, Adam is used as a special name, and wherever the name of Adam is mentioned, it means Adam and Eve. That all modern humans on Earth are their offspring, and scientifically, the presence of the edema gene on the Y chromosome has been found in all modern men, and Eve’s mitochondria have been found in all women. It is common knowledge and belief that the two may not have had sex with each other. “Previous studies have shown that male or female MRCA lived much closer to us than female or female MRCA, but it is now clear that there is not much difference between genes and genes,” said Carlos Bastamente, a Stanford University geneticist and professor. “Adam and Eve lived at a much closer time to each other. A much closer time than previously revealed.”