Intelligent natural selection or imaginary evolution

The important point is that in the Holy Qur’an, the word human creation – the creation of man and the creation of Adam from soil or mud is used about 21 times.

About 11 times God says: We created human from mud or dust. About 6 times he says: We created man from dust or mud. In the case of Adam, God says only once about his creation: that the creation of Adam was like the creation of Jesus (pbuh). Three more times, according to the devil, the reason for not prostrating is the source of man’s creation from mud.

So nowhere in the Holy Qur’an is it explicitly stated by God that Adam was created from dust. And everywhere there is talk of human and man being created from dust, which is a common name. Unfortunately, some translators and commentators of the Qur’an have easily used these names instead. On this account, there is a great difference between the creation of human and man, which are common names, and the creation of Adam, which is a special name. So, according to the Holy Qur’an, the creation of human did not include Adam, and the creation of man was like Jesus. The meaning will be discussed in detail later. Of course, the Qur’an considers the reason for the devil not to prostrate from his tongue to be the creation of Adam from mud, which the devil has obviously used to humiliate this phrase.) It is customary in history to remind a person of his father’s ugly traits in order to humiliate him)

As you know, at the beginning of life we did not have more than four main substances: water-air-light soil. Among them, the only substance that has the main substances of life, including amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates and minerals, has been soil. Even now, the nutrients needed by animals are indirectly from soil. Even the sperm that is essential for the survival of the generation is derived from nutrients obtained from the soil.

Therefore, it can be said that now all living beings are made of soil. And that living things decompose after death, and turn to dust again. So to say that a creature is made of dust is not only superstition but also a sign of deep insight.

In any case, since the Qur’an does not explicitly mention the details of how all beings except human beings were created, we have no objection to the evolution of beings and natural selection, provided that the existence of the Creator is taken into account.

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