Intelligent natural selection or imaginary evolution
Regarding the creation of man, it should be mentioned that we have in Islamic traditions that before the creation of modern man, several species of other people lived on earth.
Imam Sadiq (as) has said: Maybe you think that God Almighty has not created any other human being besides you. No, it is not; He created thousands upon thousands of people, of whom you are the last generation. (Book of Tawhid / 1/277).
Many phrases and words have been used in the Holy Qur’an about the creation of human, because the commentators have not been able to explain some of them. Therefore, sometimes they have been interpreted literally. Which refers to a number of them. Soil – Tin – Salsal – Earth – Old rotten black mud – From the lineage of mud – Alq – Created from water – Created from haste – Created from sperm – mae masnon – We created you while you were not worth mentioning for a long time – We raised you from the earth – human creation started from mud – from a mixed sperm – we created you in different periods (Atwara) – of course some of these names have been repeated many times. But about the creation of Adam in one place explicitly It has been said that his creation was similar to the creation of Jesus (pbuh). Perhaps the clearest description of the creation of Adam is. But indirectly he mentions in the language of Satan that his creation is from mud. That Satan uses this phrase to humiliate.
Given the above explanation that the raw material for the creation of living beings was soil, so mentioning the creation of man from soil or mud can not be a complex and strange issue.
Three scenarios for the creation of beings and humans can be assumed.
1- The creation of all human beings was separate, and each had a separate origin. In this case, critics may object that if the origin of the creation of beings is separate, then what is the justification for this genetic similarity. This is a continuation of the second scenario. Will be explained.
2. The origin of all beings except man is the same, and they have evolved according to the law of intelligent natural selection. In this scenario, the critique of human genetic similarity with other organisms, especially early humans, remains.
According to the original sequence, 99.7% of the DNA pairs of modern humans and Neanderthals are similar compared to modern humans and chimpanzees, with 98.8% of their DNA pairs common. Other studies on the commonalities between the human and chimpanzee genomes put the 99% similarity at 94%, indicating that the genetic gap between humans and chimpanzees is much larger than initially thought.Journal May 2010 >>