Intelligent natural selection or imaginary evolution
Retrieved from Interpretation of Surah Al-Insan verse 1
The above can confirm that before being promoted to the status of a human being, he was in the form of other beings. Therefore, he did not have a significant status.
اوَلَا يَذْكُرُ الْإِنْسَانُ أَنَّا خَلَقْنَاهُ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَلَمْ يَكُ شَيْئًا-
6- Does not man remember that We created him before when he was nothing?
Here, like the above verse, it refers to the insignificance of man in his previous creation. If this blessed verse does not mean the creation of man in the form of beings before him, what is the meaning of previous creations?
7- In another verse, he says: The origin of your creation is from one soul, some are established and some are emancipated; We have revealed Our revelations to a people who understand. Verse 98 of Surah An’am
In the above verse, it refers to a soul. Nafs literally means soul or a living being. It means: We created all of you from a soul that can refer to the first living being from which man originated. Some They are of the opinion that the meaning of one soul is the Adam being of Abu al-Bashar, but it is really difficult to say that this is the meaning of God. Because in that case God should have said: We created you all from Adam. Why should he use a general word instead of a specific word?
8- We created Vegetatively man from the earth. (surrea noh 17)
The use of the verb to grow is very questionable for humans, so perhaps it refers to the stages of human evolution that at one stage had a common ancestor with plants. Otherwise, it is impossible for God to inadvertently use a verb used for plants for man.
9- He says in another place: We created man from a rotten black stinking Mud (Hajar 33) – which is usually called a Mud that is found on the river bank, and due to the presence of stinking hydrogen sulfide and fermentation and mud, this type of Mud It is in one of the places where it is said that due to the conditions of life, the first living beings were created there.