Intelligent natural selection or imaginary evolution

In particular, the conditions for the creation and survival of life in the early stages of Earth’s evolution were much more severe than they are today due to severe atmospheric changes and the absence of the ozone layer and the extensive damage to electromagnetic and ultraviolet waves.

Friends may consider long-term as one of the effective factors in creating natural random selection, but it should be said here that the effective factor is the number of reproductions and not the time, because it is with the multiplication that the mutation occurs. Now the question is whether at any point in history Humans co-existed on Earth at the same time (two hundred thousand years ago, the human species appeared on African soil, but it took 190,000 years for the human population to reach four million. Yes! Until ten thousand years ago, the entire world population). It was as big as people commuting to the New York City subway every morning.

But with the beginning of the nineteenth century and the process of industrialization, the human population suddenly increased to one billion. This increase in population was not only due to the increase in births, but also to the increase in human life expectancy. In recent decades, although the rate has decreased, but due to the advancement of medical knowledge, human life expectancy has increased much and therefore the world population is increasing).

In view of the above discussion, has there ever been a report from friends about the creation of a new species of human?

The most important discussion in accepting the idea of ​​random natural selection; The argument is the need for a phenotype and its transformation into a genotype. For example, in the human balance system, which is definitely more primitive than other creatures (contrary to the theory of evolution) such as monkeys, birds and even insects (insects can walk on the ceiling but humans can not) . At the same time, several systems are involved, including the eye, which receives information from the environment, the proprioceptive pathways, which transmit body position information on the ground through the organs, the ears, which transmit the smallest body position through the three semicircular canals, the utricol, and the saccule. It communicates to the brain and the cerebellum, which is one of the most important centers for regulating the balance of the body. The interesting thing is that each of these organs exists symmetrically and does this separately on both sides of the body. The symmetrical organs establish the opposite side, and finally each of these, in addition to informing each other, also informs the brain about the spatial position of the body, and finally, the final decision rests with the motor cortex of the brain, which issues the final command.

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