Intelligent natural selection or imaginary evolution
Now we repeat, how this need of the body for balance, which is a phenotype, is understood by the living genome. And this phenotype is encoded with extraordinary complexity by the living organism genome (obviously the equilibrium system necessary for life in any moving organism). Can unconscious mutations do that? How and how should a few random mutations occur, so that the living thing can have the perfect equilibrium network we see now, of course, as discussed earlier in the system in lower organisms such as fish and crabs that evolved millions of years ago. It may be more advanced. The probability of this phenotype is so low according to statistical analysis that it seems impossible. Is it right to accept that this complex equilibrium physiology is created by unconscious nature?
Another question is;
Assuming that all these events have led to the creation of a complex being, what is the justification for the continuation of the generation as the creation of sexual sins of the opposite sex, and the placement of these organs in proportion to each other. It has been a living organism for several years that has been able to undergo two different mutations in both sexes, which continues the survival of the new organism. Because otherwise, with the death of one sex, it was practically impossible to change the species and continue the generation. Now this has happened countless times among the animal species and it happened to be exactly during their simultaneous life and led to the creation of so many species of animals. The most important point is the existence of a sense of sexual instinct. To have sex, and how to have sex with each other at all, and that the sperm and ovum are any trait of that species. That is, mating one species with another does not in any way cause the reproduction of a new creature. Species need the opinion of relevant experts. How these creatures knew how to have sex is debatable.
Another point in the continuation of living life; Their children are very sensitive and at risk of extinction, which is cleverly offset by the development of a child’s maternal instinct.
To the extent that sometimes mothers risk their lives to support their children, they take care of their nutrition until they become independent, while no one has educated them. Now, if all the previous events are accidentally advanced to this point, but there is no maternal love. It should have started first. Maybe friends will say that sex hormones cause this function, this is not our discussion, our discussion is who realized this vital need and put the solution in the body of these living beings. For example, the need for vision is one thing. And how to create vision and encode it in the genome of the new generation is something else. And how many blind accidents should happen, to solve this puzzle.