Biography of Hazrat Zainab Ibn Ali (AS)

The martyrs reached the Sham area. When they arrived near Damascus, the capital of Yazid’s government, M. Kulthum asked Shamar to bring them into the city through a gate that is less crowded, and
Also, keep the heads of the martyrs away from the bearers, so that the people will notice those heads and write them down
Do not watch the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him);
But Shamar, against the request of that esteemed lady, ordered them to move their heads exactly among the carriers in order to attract more attention! They entered the city, which was a gathering place for people. On the first day of the Safar month, the caravan was kept at the gate of the clock, and the people came to greet the caravan of prisoners with drums and trumpets, rejoicing, and applause.
In the book of the opponent, it is stated that when the captives were brought to Sham, Yazid was in his palace in a place overlooking the Jiron.
He was sitting near the Umayyad Mosque, watching the caravan of prisoners and the heads of the martyrs.
At the same time, he heard the voice of a crow and took it as a bad omen and sang:
When those caravans appeared and those heads appeared on the edge of Jiron; At the same time a crow
He shouted, I told him: whether you shout or not [it does not matter] because I asked the Prophet
[God] took revenge on the slain of Badr, Uhud, etc. (and this is one of the clear reasons and
Important documents were the disbelief of Yazid and the Umayyads in Islam.
The situation in Sham was very difficult for the Ahl al-Bayt (as) and so much for the Imam
Sajjad and the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) had a hard time there because this verse of the poem was narrated from that Imam:
I wish my eyes had not fallen on Damascus and Yazid would not have seen me in captivity in this state.
What happened in Yazid Palace:
When the elders and leaders of the Levant, whom Yazid had invited on the occasion of his victory, came, they also brought the captives and the heads of the martyrs of Karbala to the parliament. In the Majlis of Yazid, when she saw Zeinab (sa) on the bloody head of her brother Imam Hussein (AS), she cried out in a sad voice: O Hussein, beloved of the Messenger of God, son of Mecca and Mina, son of Fatemeh Zahra, lady of all women the world,
O son of Mustafa’s daughter (as).
The narrator of this story narrates: By God, with this call of Zainab (AS), all those who were in the parliament cried and at that time Yazid

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