Biography of Hazrat Zainab Ibn Ali (AS)
But what do people know, this small swamp will mock the endurance of the mountains and shatter the height of patience?
Was born to embarrass patience; Zeinab (s), I tell this myth of history. She came to astonish love moments Make it clear. He came to teach truth and fidelity to the world and to show dignity and dignity. SHe had come to fulfill his mission ،Do; Be the companion and friend of the brother, the ruler of Hosseini’s caravan and the mourner of the prisoners.
Had come to be the loud cry of the oppressed; A cry whose echo can still be heard in the hearts of right-seekers beyond history arrives.
Heir of Ali and Fatima:
Zainab (sa) grew up in the lofty house of the Imamate, learned science from the lips of revelation and was raised in the lap of dignity.
She was pious and adorned with Islamic customs and ethics. Zainab (sa), eloquence and rhetoric from Ali, decency from Fatima,
She had learned patience from Hassan and oppression from Hussein while standing up; she was a high spirit of satisfaction and contentment.
Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) inherited her parents in humility, obedience, worship and servitude. She spent most of the nights in the morning worshiping and serving God and always recited the Qur’an.