Biography of Hazrat Zainab Ibn Ali (AS)
Staying up at night for worship, Hazrat Zainab (sa) throughout her life his blessing did not leave;
Even on the night of the 11th of Muharram, with all the suffering and fatigue and seeing those heartbreaking calamities, to worship “Also from it.” That night, I saw my aunt sitting on a prayer rug and praying. Hazrat Sajjad (AS) says venice “. My aunt Zainab, despite all the tragedy from Karbala to Sham, never left the recommended prayers.
When Imam Hussein (AS) came to say goodbye to Zainab, he said: My sister, do not forget me in the night prayer.
On the day of Ashura, when he took the hand of his child and brought him to the service of Hazrat Seyyed al-Shuhada and begged him to accept him, she said: If jihad and fighting had been inflicted on women, I would have sacrificed thousands of lives. What knowledge compels him to sacrifice his young child with his own hands in the way of God, and it is very clear that what has introduced him as a constant model of patience and self-sacrifice is his high knowledge of God Almighty and his authority،
she is.
Imam Sajjad (PBUH) said: My aunt Zainab (PBUH) during the whole journey of captivity from Kufa to Sham, he constantly performed his obligatory and recommended prayers and the sufferings of the journey and the problems of nursing orphans and the compassion of grieving women, She did not neglect to perform prayers and tahajjud, I even saw in some houses that due to weakness and hunger, she prayed sitting down and could not stand due to the severity of weakness and exhaustion …!
Hazrat Zeinab (PBUH) used to worship at night and never left Tahajjud during him life. She worshiped so much that she was nicknamed Abede Al-Ali.
Hijab and chastity of Hazrat Zainab:
Regarding the hijab and chastity of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH), it is stated in history:
Ali (AS) ordered to go at night. To Hassan and Hussein) AS (said: to be with their sister.
Hassan (AS) was in front of him and Hussein (AS) were moving behind him and Zainab was moving in the middle of them.
They were instructed by their father to turn off even the light on the illuminated shrine of the Prophet (PBUH) so that the eyes of non-mahrams would not fall on the stature of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH).
One of Imam Ali’s (AS) neighbors says: I have never seen Zainab in my whole life.
Zainab (S), the hero of patience:
It is not surprising that she has been called the mother of calamities, “Umm al-Masaib.”
Mountains of sorrow came and Zainab patiently endured everything. Was the tragedy of his grandfather, the Messenger of God (PBUH), a small blow to his sweet heart?
Was the painful and hot loss of her mother, Hazrat Zahra (sa), a small earthquake in her soul?
Wasn’t the heat of a father like Ali (AS) a small tragedy that Zainab witnessed?