Biography of Hazrat Zainab Ibn Ali (AS)
Sheikh Mofid narrates from Imam Sajjad (AS): On the night that my father was killed the next morning
I was sitting and my aunt Zainab (S) was by my side and was nursing me when my father went to a tent and join Ghulam Abuzar Ghaffari was with him while he was repairing his sword and my father
Reads poetry. (Translation: O days! F on your friendship! That may find your friends and seekers in
You killed in the morning and in the evening; And time never satisfies except what it wants.
Of course, the affairs are in the hands of God; And finally, every living thing is death.
So he repeated these poems two or three times until I understood their meaning and purpose, so
It grabbed me by the throat, but I kept silent and knew that calamity had come. But my uncle
Due to the tenderness of his heart and low femininity, she could not bear to hear that poem and got up sharply and in while his clothes were being pulled to the ground, he went to my father with naked head and when he approached him, she said:
Woe is me! I wish death would come and take my life from me, today my mother Fatima and my father Ali and my brother Hassan died, O successor of the past and O judge of the survivors.
So Hussein (AS) to him he looked and said: My sister! The devil does not take patience from you; Then his eyes filled with tears and ،He said: If the bird is left alone, it will sleep.
So Hazrat Zainab (sa) said: O woe to me! Are they taking your life by force? So this makes my heart bloody and it is worse for me. Then she slapped him in the face and grabbed him and tore it،
And fainted. So Hussein (AS) got up and poured water on his face and said to him:
my sister! Fear God and be patient and rely on God and know that the people of the earth
they die and the people of heaven do not remain, and that everything is doomed except the existence of God.
Who created the creatures with His power and aroused them and returned to Him while He was the only one.
And is unique. My father was better than me and my mother was better than me and my brother was better than me and the Messenger of God (PBUH)
He is an example for me and for every other Muslim.
So he comforted her with these words and the like and said: O sister! I swear to you then
Do not break my oath, never tear your wrist for me and do not slap your face and when
I was killed, do not be impatient. Then he brought him and showed him to me, and he himself went to his companions.
When Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) saw Imam Hussein (AS) lying on the ground and
Enemies around his body have taken him with the aim of killing him, Saad’s son came out of the tent.