Meeting of the great scholars of Islam with Imam al-Zaman (as) (1) 1- Sayyid Ibn Tawus

Sayyid Ibn Tawus was born in Muharram 580 in Hilla Seifiya. His name is Ali ibn Musa ibn Ja’far with the nicknames “Abu al-Qasim”, “Abu al-Hasan” and “Abu Musa” and he is nicknamed “Razi al-Din” and is known as “Ibn Tawus”.
Sayyid Ibn Tawus is one of the famous figures whose father and ancestors were all scholars and scientists of the Islamic world and were considered to be people of knowledge and virtue. Sayyid Ibn Tawus himself says about his pure lineage: “God Almighty, from our pure ancestors, Muhammad (PBUH), Ali (AS), Fatima (AS), Hassan, Hussein (AS) and Zayn al-Abidin (AS) to our fathers Abrar “It has given us the honor of our fathers, grandfathers and mothers, who were all religious and trustworthy and fully trusted by the people, and all of whom praised them and acknowledged their glory and greatness.”