Meeting of Allama Bahr al-Ulum with Imam Zaman (AS)
I also went to the point where his hand reached me and my hand reached that gentleman. He said something.
Clergyman Mullah Zayn al-Abedin Salmasi says: When Allameh (ra) ‘s speech reached this point, he suddenly stopped speaking and did not continue and began to answer Mohaqeq Qomi about the questions he had previously asked. The question was why Allameh, with all the great knowledge and talent they have, their writings are few. He also gave reasons for this issue; But Mirza Qomi again questioned that conversation between the Imam and Allameh.
Sayyid Bahr al-Ulum (RA) pointed out with his hand that it is one of the unspeakable secrets.
It is necessary to explain that the title of Bahr al-Ulum means the sea of knowledge and when one of his arguments asks him to explain the reason for his great knowledge, while he did not have such scientific talent before.
In reply, he says, how can I not be the sea of knowledge while this chest contacted the chest of Mr. Imam Zaman, which refers to the above story. Taken from the book of Hazrat Mahdi (as)