Monthly Archive: August 2021

kisa hadith

The hadith of Kisa is a hadith on the virtues of the Prophet (PBUH), Ali (AS), Fatima (AS), Hassan (AS) and Hussein (AS). The event of the hadith of Kisa took place in my house, Salma, the wife of the Prophet. When the verse of purification was revealed, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) covered himself and his family with a woolen cloth. Shiite Imams have cited this hadith to prove their virtue and superiority in taking over the Muslim caliphate. The text of a hadith that is mentioned in some keys called the hadith of Kisa, . The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is supposed to receive an important message from God about some of his relatives in the house of his wife, Umm Salma. Therefore, he insists on his wife not to allow anyone to enter. On the other hand, on the same day, Fatima (PBUH), the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH), decides to prepare a suitable food for her father called Asideh (Kachi) [1]. He provides this food in a small stone cauldron and puts it on a plate and brings it to his father. The Prophet (PBUH) said to his daughter: “Go and bring your wife and two children.” Fatemeh (s) immediately returned home and entered her father’s house with her husband and two children, who were young at the time. Umm Salma got up at the suggestion of the Messenger of God (PBUH) and prayed beside him.

The Messenger of God (PBUH) sat with Ali (AS) and Fatima (AS) and his two children Hassan (AS) and Hussein (AS) at Fatima’s table. The Prophet (PBUH) puts a Khyber’s cloak (a cloak made of the people of the Khyber region) on his son-in-law, daughter and children, and points to the sky with his right hand and says: “O God! These are my Ahl al-Bayt (AS). “So remove any filth from them and cleanse them completely!” , Then Jibreel Amin, came down and recited the verse of purification: And make it clean.) [Parties-33]                                                                                                                                                                          Umm Salma came forward and lifted the corner of Kesa, but the Prophet (PBUH) took Kesa from her hand and prevented her from

The place of Imam Hussein (AS) in the words of the Prophet of Islam

The narrations of the Prophet in the status of Ahl al-Bayt

These narrations can be divided into three categories:

First: The words that the Messenger of God said about the position of the Ahl al-Bayt (one of whom is Hussein (peace be upon him));
Second: Hadiths about Manaqib and the position of Hasnain that have been narrated from the point of view of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him);
Third: The narrations about the status of Hussein from the perspective of the Holy Prophet. [1] [2]

Narrations in the status of Hasnain

Some of the second category of narrations about Manaqib and the status of Hasnain, which came from a prophet, are as follows:

  1. The narrations in which the Messenger of God called Hasnain two of his fragrant flowers in this world. [3] [4] [5]
    ۲. The news in which Rasool Khatam called Hassan and Hussein two gentlemen and masters of the youth of Paradise;