kisa hadith

From Fatemeh Zahra, peace be upon her, the daughter of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, Jabir says: He said: I understand weakness in my body. I said: I seek refuge in God. O father of weakness and weakness. I covered it and kept looking at it, and at the same time its face shone like the moon of the fourteenth night.

Less than an hour later, I saw my son Hassan enter and say, “Peace be upon you, mother.” Yes, your ancestor is under Kasa, so Hassan went to Kasa and said: Peace be upon you, noble ancestor, the Messenger of God. Will you allow me to enter with you under Kasa? He said: Peace be upon you, my child and the owner of the pond, I gave my permission, so Hassan went with that Mr. Bazir Kesa.

Less than an hour later, my son Hussein entered and said: Peace be upon you, mother. I said: Peace be upon you, my child, and I have seen the light, and the fruit of my heart said: (PBUH) I said, “Yes, your grandfather and your brother are under Kesa. Hussein went to Kesa and said: Peace be upon you, noble grandfather, peace be upon you, the one whom God has chosen. Will you allow me to enter with you in He said to the sub-kasa: And peace be upon you, my son and the intercessor of my nation, I gave you permission, so he also entered the kasa with the two of them.

At this time, Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Abi Talib entered and said, “Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Messenger of God.” Is he the Messenger of God? I said: Yes, he is the one who is under Kesa with your two children, so Ali also went to Kesa and said, “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God. Will you allow me to be with you under Kesa?” The Messenger of God said to him: And on you. Peace be upon you, my brother, and my guardian, caliph, and flag bearer, I gave you permission, so Ali also entered under Kesa,

At this time, I also went to Kesa and said, “Peace be upon you, O father of the Messenger of God. Will you allow me to be with you under Kesa?” He said: And peace be upon you, my daughter, and I gave you my permission, part of my body, so I also went under someone.

And when we all gathered under Kasa, my father, the Messenger of God, took both sides of Kasa and pointed to the sky with his right hand and said: God, these are my family and my properties and relatives, their flesh is my flesh and their blood is my blood. And it makes them sad, but it makes them sad. I am in war with whoever fights with them, and in peace with whoever is at peace with them, and I am an enemy to anyone who is at enmity with them, and my friend is with anyone who loves them. And I am one of them, so send your greetings, your blessings, your skill, your forgiveness, and your happiness to me and to them, and remove the filth from them, and purify them well.

So the Almighty God said: O my angels and the inhabitants of my heavens, indeed I did not create the heavens, nor the vast earth, nor the shining moon, nor the shining seal, nor the rotating sky, nor the flowing sea, nor the flowing ship except for the friendship of these five The bodies of those who are under Kasa, so Gabriel Amin said: Lord, who are under Kasa? God Almighty said: They are the family of prophethood and the source of mission: they are Fatima and her father and husband and her two children Gabriel said: My Lord, do you allow me to descend to the earth so that I may be the sixth of them? He greets you and has special respect for you and says: I swear by my honor and glory that I did not create the heavens, nor the vast earth, nor the shining moon, nor the shining seal, nor the rotating sky, nor the flowing sea, nor the ship. Has he allowed me to be with you in the current, except for you and your love and friendship, so do you, O Messenger of God, allow me? The Messenger

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