Monthly Archive: November 2021

Pray for the reappearance

There is a woman named Amin who is a commentator on the Qur’an and talks about the dream of one of the trusted women.

Ms. Amin says that this lady dreamed of her uncle, who died some time ago and was a good person, and she asked him what was going on in that world. He says, “Do not ask, I am not allowed to say, but I tell you, tell people to pray for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as).

Signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi (as) at the end of time

Shiites believe that Imam Mahdi (as), the twelfth Imam of the Shiites, is a descendant of the Prophet of Islam and the only child of Imam Hassan Askari (as), which is now the holy shrine of Imam Hassan Askari in the city of Samarra in Iraq.

Shiites believe that after the death of the Prophet, for various reasons, which are also mentioned in the biography of Imam Ali (AS) on this site, the real successor of the Prophet Imam Ali and then his eldest son Imam Hassan, then his brother Imam Hussein. The people of Kufa started their revolutionary movement to save the Muslim Ummah, but they and their Ahl al-Bayt and their allies were killed and captured in a very tragic way.

Because God had willed that the Imamate and succession of the Prophet remain in his family. Therefore, the middle son of the Imam, known as Ali, was ill in the desert of Karbala and was unable to fight and jihad, so God saved his life. He worshiped Zayn al-Abidin or because he prostrated a lot, he was known as Imam Sajjad.
