Signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi (as) at the end of time

67. On the pulpits, people are instructed to be pious, but the speaker himself does not follow that instruction;

68- They consider the time of prayers as light;

69-] All the sorrow and grief of people is their stomachs and private parts. They do not care what they eat or what they associate with;

Then prepare yourself for the advent of Imam Mahdi.

Al-Kafi, vol. 8, pp. 36 42, H7; Baharalanwar, vol. 52, pp. 254 260.

2-Definite signs are those signs that will occur very shortly before the appearance and it is not possible to change them.

Imam Sadegh (AS) says: “There are five signs before the resurrection of Imam Mahdi (pbuh): the departure of the Yemeni, the departure of Sufyan, the heavenly shout (the caller who calls from the sky), the immersion in the desert of Bayda, the killing of Zakia’s soul.”

The heavenly cry or the heavenly call is one of the most obvious signs and the clearest signs and the strongest proofs of the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).

There is no reason to say that the heavenly voice is the confession of heaven to the legitimacy of the resurrection of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the proof of the truth that the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet and his family (pbuh) have announced. Source:

 Wiki Fiqh

  1. Yemeni uprising:

Yamani is the title of a person who, according to the narrations, rises before the advent of Imam al-Zaman (as) [1] and invites people to him. [2] Yamani leaves Sanaa

The original Yemeni name is not mentioned in Shiite hadiths; But he is considered to be a descendant of Imam Hussein (AS) [3] or a descendant of Zayd ibn Ali [4]. It is said in some Sunni sources that his name is Jihajah, Hassan or Hussein. [5] He is from Ahlul Bayt and a descendant of Imam Hussein (AS). [6]

In a narration of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), a Yemeni is mentioned as Mansour who is the helper of Hazrat Mahdi. [7] Sunni sources also call him Qahtani [8] and Mansour Yamani [9]. Qahtani is attributed to a person named Qahtan [10] to whom the Yemeni Arabs are descended. [11] –

Source: Shiite wiki

  • 2-Sufyani departure:

Sufyani is a red, blond, blue-eyed, broad-shouldered, four-shouldered man with a rough face and the effect of smallpox on his face. There is a white spot in his eye that anyone who sees him thinks he is blind when he is not, and he is the most evil people who have never worshiped God. [1]

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