Signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi (as) at the end of time
clutches and kill them so that even one of them They do not survive either. But the army that goes to Hejaz, when it reaches Medina, commits murder and looting in Medina for three days and nights. [12]
Source: Islamic Encyclopedia
3-Khsaf of baida:
After the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in Mecca, Sufyani sent an army to kill him. On the other hand, the Imam who had visited Medina with one of his companions. When they are informed of the movement of the Sufi army, they move from Medina to Mecca, like Prophet Moses (pbuh), “fearfully approaching” (while he was afraid).
Sufyani’s army also went to Medina and carried out a large and brutal massacre there for three days and three nights. [3] They have mentioned that they go to Mecca and reach a desert called Bidaa and spend the night there.
At this time, Gabriel, by the permission of God, strikes the ground from which no one can be saved, and the earth opens its mouth and devours all of them with all their tools and instruments of war. According to some narrations, only two people [4] remain. As Imam Amir al-Mu’minin (as) said: When the Sufi army is on its way to Mecca, they stop in the land of Bayda. At this time, the earth swallows them. There they are cried out: “And I wish you could see when [the disbelievers] were terrified [where the way] there was no escape and they were trapped near.” [5]
And this close place, that is, is taken from their feet, and a man leaves the army to find his camel, and when he returns, he does not see anyone, and he is the one who informs the people about this incident. [6]
4– The heavenly voice:
For many, the question may be, when and how is the heavenly voice? This call occurs when there is a sharp difference between East and West, and people are going through hard times because of the fear that has been inflicted on the people by these seditions. [3] And even many men and women. Believers are confused and frustrated that Faraji will occur [4] and have doubts and suspicions.
The situation of the people at that time was such that they had been waiting for the Faraj to be heard for many years. In most narrations, Friday night or the twenty-third night of Ramadan [5] is specified at that time, but as mentioned, the definite signs are five [6] and the rest of the signs are uncertain. Therefore, it can be said that the heavenly call itself is certain, but whether it is on Friday night or the twenty-third night of Ramadan, it is uncertain and it may happen on another day.
The one who makes this call is Gabriel, whose words are mentioned in various forms in the narrations. Some narrations state that the call is made: Shia ”[9] is right with Ali and his followers; And some other narrations say: “He calls in the name of Ghaem and his father”. [10] In any case, the heavenly voice is certain to exist, although its content is different in the narrations, but its effects are the same. When people hear this call, the sleeping person wakes up and sits up or goes to his yard and even the girls sitting in the curtain come out and help their fathers and brothers with the help of the Imam. [11] And also the people are so astonished and in