who is Fatima(as)
5. Sea of Virtue
The following verse says: “(God) put the two seas together; While in contact. There is a boundary between the two that one does not overcome the other.” (10), Imam Sadegh (AS) was quoted as saying: ” Ali and Fatima are two deep seas that neither is superior to the other. “Between the two, there is a mediator who is the Messenger of God, and the product of this deep sea is pearls and corals, which are Hassan and Hussein.”) In his commentary, al-Thalabi quotes Sufyan al-Thawri as saying: “Marj al-Bahrain Yaltaqian” means Fatima and Ali, and the meaning of “leaving them is pearl and coral” is Hassan and Hussein, and the meaning of “between them is purgatory “is the Messenger of God. “(12 ) Abu Saeed Khedri explains and interprets the mentioned verses in the same way. ( 13)
6. Kawthar Rasoolullah (p)
Hazrat Khadijeh had given birth to a son for the Prophet (PBUH) named Abdullah, but he died after a while. One day, one of the leaders of the polytheists, named As ibn Wa’il, met the Prophet (PBUH) as he was leaving the Sacred Mosque and talked to him. A group of Quraysh leaders who had seen this conversation, as soon as As ibn Wa’il entered the mosque, asked him: Who were you talking to? He said: With that “Abtar” (14)! In support of His Prophet (PBUH), God revealed Surah Kawthar and said: “(O Prophet (PBUH))! We have given you Kowsar (many blessings). So pray and sacrifice for your Lord, and know that your enemy will certainly be cut off from generation and tail. ”(15)
The commentators of the divine word have given “Kawthar” a very good meaning and blessing and have said: “It means the abundance of the generation and descendants of the Prophet (PBUH) and this meaning has been achieved through the children of Fatima (AS ); In such a way that his number of offspring is out of count and this process will continue until the Day of Judgment. ”(16). Many great Shiite scholars have considered the existence of Mubarak Fatemeh Zahra (PBUH) as the clearest example of Kowsar; Because the dignity of the revelation of the verse indicates that the idolaters of Mecca accused the Prophet (PBUH) of being a descendant and while denying their words, the Qur’an says to the Prophet (PBUH): “We gave you Kowsar.” From this interpretation, it is understood that this great good (Kowsar) is the same as Fatemeh Zahra (AS). (16 )
7. A branch of the divine lineage
The Almighty God likens the word Tayyiba to a Tayyiba genealogy and says: “Have you not seen how God has likened it? The word good (pure word and faith) is like a pure tree whose root is fixed and whose branch is in the sky . ”(18) One of the companions of Imam Baqir (AS) quotes: I came to the service of that Imam and asked about the mentioned verse. The Prophet (pbuh) replied: « That tree (Tayyeba family) is Mohammad Mustafa (PBUH). The trunk of that tree, Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (AS), its fruit, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (AS), its main branch is Fatima (AS) and its small branches, the pure Imams from the children of Fatima (AS), and the leaves of this tree Shia and Ahl al-Bayt we are lovers. “( 19)
8. The truth of the Night of Power
Imam Sadegh (AS) said about the first verses of Surah Al-Qadr (20): “Layla (the true meaning of that night) is Fatima and Al-Qadr is God. Therefore, anyone who knows Fatima as she has the right to know, has understood the Night of Power, and the truth is that Fatima (AS) was called Fatima, because the creators were unable to know her. (21)
9. Fatima (AS), the direct divine path
At least ten times during the day and night prayers, we ask God Almighty to guide us to the “straight path”. The great Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in his interpretation of the straight path says: “Indeed, God, Ali (AS) and his wife and children have made their authority over their creation and they are the gates of knowledge in my ummah. Whoever is guided to them has been guided to the straight path. ”(2)
10. Belief in Fatima (AS), the condition of guidance
Imam Baqir (AS) in the interpretation of verses 136 and 137 of Surah Al-Baqarah says: “From the verse” Amen to God and we are sent down to Elena “, Ali, Hassan, Hussein and Fatima have willed and this ruling is valid for the Imams after them. ” And he also said: “Van Amenwa” means: people. “Like us, I trust in” means: to Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussein (AS) and the Imams after them. “Lack of unity and that Tolva Fanma are also in a rift” (23).
11. Accepting repentance by appealing to Fatima (AS))
The Holy Quran says: When Prophet Adam (PBUH) and his wife Eve (PBUH) ate the fruit of a forbidden tree in spite of divine prohibition, they were expelled from Paradise for violating God’s command and fell to earth. “Then Adam received words from his Lord (and repented with those words), and verily, God is the Relenting, the Merciful.”) Ibn Abbas says: I asked the Messenger of God (PBUH) about the words that Adam received from his Lord and repented with those words. said: « He asked God to accept his repentance for the sake of Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (AS). God also accepted. “( 25)
12. Righteous in the sight of God
The Qur’an promises those who obey God and His Messenger to associate with those who enjoy the infinite and eternal blessings of God. (26) Anas ibn Malik says: One morning, after performing the morning prayer with the Prophet (PBUH), I said to him: O Messenger of God! Do you interpret the word of God for us, who says: “And whoever obeys God and the Prophet (PBUH), (on the Day of Resurrection) will be the companion of those on whom God has bestowed His blessings, from among the prophets . ” And the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, and they are good companions. ”(27) He said: I mean the“ prophets ”. “Siddiqan” means my brother Ali (AS). The meaning of “martyrs” is my uncle Hamza, and the meaning of “righteous” is my daughter Fatima (AS) and her two children (Hassan and Hussein (AS) 28)
13. Divine close and overseer of good deeds