who is Fatima(as)
The Almighty God, in His heavenly book, while announcing the great gifts and spiritual blessings of Paradise for the virtuous, says: It is a letter that has been written and it is a definite destiny that the close ones (the chosen ones of the divine gate) are witnessing. ”(29) Imam Baqir (AS) in the interpretation of this divine word says: It means the “close ones” of the Prophet (PBUH), Ali, Fatima, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (AS). ( 30) Therefore, Fatima (AS) is one of the closest and special ones to God and will be the witness and observer of the letter of good deeds on the Day of Resurrection..
14. Fatima (AS), free from any impurity
The verse of purification was sent to the Prophet (PBUH) in my house: “God wants to remove evil and sin from you Ahl al-Bayt and to purify you completely” (31). The reason for its revelation is that the Prophet (PBUH) called the Commanders of the Faithful Ali, Fatima, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (AS). He put an abaya on them and when all five people were under the cloak, he said: “O God! These are my family. So remove the filthiness and impurity from them and make them clean and pure.” (32)
Zamakhshari writes: The Messenger of God (PBUH) wore a black woolen cloak. When Imam Hassan (AS) was honored in his presence, the Prophet (PBUH) called him under his cloak. After a while, Imam Hussein (AS) came and called him there as well. After her, Fatima (AS) and then Amir al-Mu’minin (AS) came and went under the cloak of the Prophet (PBUH). After that, the Prophet (PBUH) said:)
Abu Saeed Khedri states: This verse was revealed in honor of the Prophet (PBUH) God, Ali, Fatima, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (AS). (34) Umm Salma also states this. (35) Ibn Hajar al-Haythami also acknowledges that most commentators believe that the verse of purification was revealed in the honor of Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (AS. ()36)
15. Fatima (AS), the best role model
God says to His Prophet (PBUH): “Command your family to pray and be steadfast in it.” (37) In this regard, they write: Since the revelation of this verse, the Prophet (PBUH) has been constantly The prayer would come to the house of Ali and Fatima (AS) and he would say: “May God have mercy on you; It is time for prayer. The truth is that God wants to remove filth and impurity from you Ahl al-Bayt. (38) »(39). The Prophet (PBUH) with the words “God wants to remove evil from you Ahl al-Bayt”, made it clear to everyone that the verse of purification is in the honor of the Ahl al-Bayt and the reason for calling to prayer is not the indifference of Ali and Fatima (AS) to worship. Rather, it is a model for Muslims, and the two nobles are free from any negligence or fault in carrying out the divine commands. Some companions quote in this regard: The Prophet (PBUH) did this for nine consecutive months. (40 )
16. Infinite reward for Fatima (AS))
Sadegh Al-Muhammad (AS) narrates: The Messenger of God (PBUH) entered the house of Fatima (AS); While Fatima was wearing a camel’s rough dress, she was grinding with one hand and breastfeeding her baby with the other. Seeing this situation, tears flowed from the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH). He said: “My daughter! Endure the bitterness of the world against the sweetness of the Hereafter; For God has sent down to me this verse:” Soon will your Lord grant you so much that you will be pleased “(41.)
17. Proud of the divine test
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud in the interpretation of this verse which says: “Today I rewarded them for their patience and perseverance; They are victorious and successful” (43), he says: “That is, today, because Ali ibn Abi Talib, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (AS) endured obedience, hunger, poverty, and divine trials in the world, they will be rewarded with paradise. “I gave and it is true that they are successful and proud of the divine account and book. (44)
18. Models of self-sacrifice and sincerity
Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (AS) fell ill as children. The Messenger of God (PBUH) came to visit them with a group of his companions. Then they said to Ali (AS): O Aba al-Hassan! It is good to make a vow to heal your two children. Therefore, Ali (AS), Fatima (AS) and Fada Khademeh all vowed to fast for three days if these two children are healed…. At the end of the story of self-sacrifice and devotion of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), it is stated that the angel of divine revelation came down and said: O Muhammad! God bless you with such a family. Then, he recited Surah Hal-Ati to him. ( 45) God in this chapter, there are three obvious and prominent family trait-a Fatimah (AS) is one of them-the notes that are: 1. Fulfillment of vows: “They fulfill their vows and are afraid of the day when evil and torment will be widespread “(46); 2. Sacrifice: “And they give their food to the poor, orphans and captives, even though they love and need it”; ( 47)) 3. Sincerity: “We feed you only for the sake of God, and we do not ask any reward or thanks from you” ( 48 ).)
19. The best Muslim woman
When the Prophet (pbuh) was talking to the Christians of Najran about Christianity and the denial of the divinity of Jesus (pbuh) and they did not accept his words despite his reasoning, God ordered his Prophet (pbuh) to “argue” with them . . The Imam was present for Mubahala while he was holding Hussein (AS) in his arms and holding Hassan (AS) ‘s hand and Fatima (AS) was coming behind him and Ali was behind Fatima (AS). The Prophet (PBUH) said to his Ahl al-Bayt: “When I prayed, say Amen» But the bishop of Najran, seeing those attractive divine figures, said: If they ask God to remove the mountain from its place, it will, do not argue that we will perish and there will not be a single Christian left on earth until the Day of Judgment.. Therefore, they did not argue and wanted to remain in their religion, and finally, they agreed with him to pay Jizyah. ( 49) This was the case when God said: “Whenever, after the knowledge that has come to you (about Christ), (again) some people argue with you, say to them: Let us invite our children, you Your children; We invite our wives, you invite our wives; We invite our people, you invite our people; Then let us argue and place the curse of God on the liars. ”(50) Ibn Abbas in the interpretation of this verse says: The Prophet (PBUH) means our children, Hassan and Hussein, we mean our women, Fatima and we mean our people, the person of the Prophet (PBUH) and