who is Fatima(as)

Ali. ( 51) Abu Saeed Khedri also says: When this verse was revealed, he called the Messenger of God, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (AS) and said: “O God! These are my people. “( 52) In fact, the interpretation of “our sons” , “our wives” and ” our souls” about these four infallibles, indicates their superiority and virtue over others; Because the Prophet (PBUH) chose only four of them.

20. Kowsar’s love, the reward of mission

God says to His Prophet (pbuh): “Say: I do not ask you for any reward (for my message) except to love your relatives” (53). This verse introduces friendliness and love for the relatives of the Prophet (PBUH) as a reward for the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) and asks the Muslim ummah for it. Ibn Abbas narrates: When this verse was revealed, they said to the Prophet (PBUH): “O Messenger of God! “Who are those whose love and affection have become obligatory on us?” He said: “Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (AS)” (54)).



1. «In the house of God, if he is exalted and mentioned in it, his name will be glorified in him with grief and originality … »Noor / 36 and 37.

2. Al-Kashf and Al-Bayyan (Tafsir al-Thalabi), research: Abu Muhammad Ibn Ashour, Beirut, Dar Al-Ahya Al-Tarath Al-Arabi, Ch. 1, 1422 AH, vol. 7, p. 107.

3. «Like the light of Kamshka’s fiha Mesbah … »Noor / 35.

4. Manaqib Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Ibn Maghazli, Beirut, Dar al-Azwa, Ch 3, 1424 AH, p. 263, AH 361.

5. «Kanha Kokba Darri ». Noor / 35.

6. Manaqib Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, p. 263, H 361.

7. «هانها لاحدی الکبر نذیراً للبشر ».مدثر / 35 و 36.

8. Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalin, Abdul Ali bin Juma Arusi Havizi, Research: Seyyed Hashem Rasooli Mahallati, Qom, Ismailian Institute, Ch 4, 1412 AH, p. 458, H 22.

9. The same.

10. «”Marj Al Bahrain Yaltaqian Binhama Barzakh La Yabghian”. الرحمن / 19 و ۲۰.

11. Yanabi Al-Mawda, Suleiman Kunduzi, Research: Aladdin Aalami, Beirut, Scientific Institute for Publications, Ch 1, 1418 AH, vol. 1, p. 139.

12. Al-Kashf and Al-Bayyan, vol. 9, p. 182.

13. Manaqib Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, p. 277, H 390.

14. «The pagans of Mecca called the Prophet (PBUH) “Abtar” sarcastically after the death of his sons; Because she did not have a son. »

15. «Ana Atinak Al-Kawthar Chapter Larbak and Anhar An Shanek Hu Al-Abtar ».Kawthar / 1-3.

16. Majma ‘al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Quran, Fadl ibn Hassan Tabarsi, Beirut, Scientific Institute for Publications, 1415 AH, vol. 10, pp. 458-460.

17. Selected Sample Interpretation, Ahmad Ali Babaei, Tehran, Islamic Library , Ch 6, 1379, vol. 5, pp. 599-560.

18. «”What is the multiplication of God, for example, the word of goodness, the tree of goodness, its principles are fixed and its branches are in the sky.” Ibrahim / 24.

19. Evidence of revelation, Hakim Haskani, Research: Mohammad Baqir Mahmoudi, Beirut, Scientific Institute for Press, Ch 1, 2014 AH, Vol. 1, p. 311.

20. «Anna Anzlnah per Lille Qadr “.qdr / 1.

21. Tafsir Euphrates Kofi, Research: Mohammad Al-Kadhim, Tehran, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, 1416 AH, pp. 581 and 582, number 747; Baharalanvar, research: Mahmoud Daryab, Beirut, Dar al-Ta’rif for publications, Ch 1, 1421 AH, vol. 18, p. 52.

22. Evidence of reduction, vol. 1, pp. 58, p. 89.

23. Interpretation for Ayashi, research: Islamic Studies Department, Al-Ba’ath Institute; Qom, Besat Foundation, Ch 1, 1421 AH, vol. 1, p. 159, number 212/111.

24. «The death of a person from the Lord of the words of the Book against him is the most merciful repentance »Baqarah / 37.

25. Yanabi Al-Mawda, vol. 1, p. 112; Al-Taraif, Sayyid Ibn Taws, Qom, Khayyam Publishing, 1992 AH ، ص 112 ، ح 166; Al-Dar Al-Manthur, Jalaluddin Siouti, Beirut, Dar al-Fikr, 1414 AH, vol. 1, p. 19.

26. «And from God and the Messenger obey you with those whom God has favored from the prophets and the righteous and the martyrs and the righteous and the good of those who are comrades. Women / 69.

27. The same.

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