Kyrgyz War
other. So a great war will take place and Sahib al-Maghrib (the Roman ally) will also start. Men are killed and women are imprisoned. Then he returned to Qish until Sufyani entered the city of Hirah and broke everything they had collected, and after that he set out for Kufa. “[13]
Sufyani defeats them with his army and kills the Turks and Romans in Kyrgyzstan. [14] They are fighting to reach them in the Kyrgyz region. [15]
In another narration it is stated:
“It is time for Sufyani to enter Kufa after his battle with the Turks and Romans in Kyrgyzstan.” [16]
In the narration narrated by Abdullah Ibn Zubayr from Imam Ali (AS), the presence of two Abdullahs and their army in Kyrgyzstan is also mentioned:
“Abdullah follows Abdullah until their troops face each other in Kyrgyzstan by the river.” [17]
The Time Battle of Kyrgyzstan
The Battle of Kyrgyzstan takes place in the month of Shawwal between two major events:
The first departure of Sufyan
The Second Advent of Imam Mahdi (as)
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