The value of science in Islam

The value of learning science and science in Islam There are many verses and hadiths about science and scholars and scientists and the study of science and the reward of it, and some information will be provided for brief information about them.

Science and awareness are two wings that human beings can fly to infinity. The value of each human being is determined by how they are used. The more knowledge a person has, the more colorful his leadership role in life becomes.

From the beginning when man was created, he began to learn. God says: “And We taught Adam all the names” (Surat al-Baqara, 32)

Imam Ali (pbuh) in Nahj al-Balaghah, Wisdom 113 says: There is no honor and value like science.

In the Holy Quran and the narrations of the Infallibles (peace be upon them), there are beautiful words in the virtue of knowledge and learning science, some of which we mention here: In Surah Al-Imran, verse 18, he says:

God, who always advises justice, testifies that there is no god but He, and that angels and scientists (testify). It is possible for scientists to reach the level of understanding the monotheism of God and witnessing it, and this is enough to understand the virtue of science alone. Because science has such a pleasant fruit, God has said: Surah Al-Mujadala
God exalts those who believe and those who are given knowledge. God has shown the superiority of the universe in many positions and has specified this superiority in verses: Surah Zumr, verse 9.

Tell me, are those who know and those who do not know the same? The Qur’an encourages and enjoins learning science: Surah An-Nahl, verse 43.

So if you do not know, ask the informed. It has been narrated from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that: When God wants good for someone, he makes him a profound scholar in religion;

It has also been narrated from him: The world is seventy degrees superior to the worshiper. [Mohajat, vol. 1, p. 18

In the honor and value of science, other narrations have been received from the Commander of the Faithful:

Imam Ali (AS) says:

Friendship is the most unbreakable bond, and knowledge is the highest honor.

(Baharalanwar, vol. 1, p. 183

Ali (AS) says; (Abdul Wahed bin Muhammad Amadi, Gharr al-Hakam).

People excel each other through knowledge and intellect, not through wealth and lineage.

Imam Ali in Baharalanvar, vol. 1, p. 185 says;

The difference between science and wealth

Kamil says: Amir al-mu’minin Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) took my hand and took me to the cemetery of Kufa. When we reached the desert, he sighed and said:

O Kamil bin Ziad! These hearts are like vessels, the best of which is a vessel that has more capacity and storage; So memorize and remember what I say to you; There are three groups of people: the divine scholars and the seekers of knowledge who walk in the path of salvation in pursuit of the education of the learned and the stupid fools who run after every sound, with every wind, they are not enlightened by the light of science and knowledge .

O Kamil! Science is better than wealth; Knowledge protects you, but you must be the guardian of your property; Wealth decreases with charity, but knowledge increases with charity; The masters of wealth disappear as soon as wealth decays (but the disciples of science are stable).

O Kamil bin Ziad! Knowledge is a ritual science with which punishment is given and it is presumed and necessary for all; by it, man obeys God’s command during his life and after death, a good name remains from him; science is ruling and the property of the condemned and defeated.

O Kamil! The wealthy are dead, while apparently in the ranks of the living, but the scientists are still alive to the world.
Nahj al-Balaghah Wisdom 147
Kamil Ibn Ziad Nakhai Kufi is considered a close friend of the Commander of the Faithful. The famous prayer of Kamil is also attributed to him. He was martyred by the pilgrims – God damn it. He had heard the news of his martyrdom before from Imam Ali (AS) and when he testified, he said to the pilgrims:

It is true that the Imam informed me of the murder of me by you.

Imam Sadiq (as) said: It is obligatory to seek knowledge.

2- Sufficient Principles Volume 1 of the book Fazl Alam

Imam Sadegh (as) said: I would like to be flogged on the head of my companions so that they understand the religion well.

Document: 1- Muhammad Ibn Ismail, on the authority of Ibn Shazan, on the authority of Ibn Abi Umayr, on the authority of Jamil Ibn Daraj,

An Aban Ibn Taqlab

2- Sufficient Principles Volume 1 of the book Fazl Alam

The verses rely on science and knowledge in two places:

First, in the text of the example, understanding the similarity of idols to spider webs and idolaters to spiders themselves is subject to knowledge and awareness (لوْ کانُوا یَعْلَمُونَ).

And in response to the pagans’ objection to why God Almighty exemplifies weak and helpless animals such as mosquitoes and spiders,

It is stated in the Qur’an: Only scientists and scholars understand the cause.

The meaning of these two sentences is that the Holy Quran relies on science and knowledge everywhere and the main audience of the Quran is scholars, thinkers and thinkers, although this dear book is useful and usable for all human beings.

Therefore, the higher a person’s scientific capacity, the more he will benefit from the Qur’an.

Science and knowledge are so important in our religion that it is considered the supreme and ultimate goal of all virtues (Mizan al-Hikma, Chapter 2831, Hadith 13330) and as one of the deeds of the Night of Destiny – that night of prayer and its world and secret and need and repentance It is ordered. (Mesbah Al-Munir, page 395.)

The Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him:

The question is half the knowledge.

Kenzalama: 29260

The Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him:

Knowledge is treasures and its keys are questions; So, God bless you, ask, for by doing so, four people will be rewarded: the questioner, the respondent, the listener, and the lover.

Gift of minds: 41 selected amount of wisdom: 260

The Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him:

Whoever learns knowledge for other than God, his place is hell.

Treasurer of deeds: 29035 Selected amount of wisdom: 400

The Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him

Whoever seeks knowledge is like one who spends his day fasting and his night worshiping. If one learns a chapter of science, it is better for him than the mountain of Abu Qabis is gold and he spends it in the way of God.

Menya al-Murid: 100 selected amount of wisdom: 398

The Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him:

Seeker of knowledge is seeker of mercy. The seeker of knowledge is the pillar of Islam and his reward is given to the prophets.

Treasurer of deeds: 28729 Selected amount of wisdom: 398

The first verse revealed to the Prophet is about teaching and knowledge.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Seek knowledge, even if it is in China, because seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim. (. Baharalanvar, Allameh Majlisi, vol. 1, p. 177 AH 55

 It is enough to look at the narrations and verses related to the virtue of science and scholars over other people. In the virtue of science and the world, several verses and hadiths are mentioned. 1. Tell me, are those who know the same as those who do not know? Only the owners of the brain are mentioned (Surah Zumr, verse 9). In this verse, God Almighty addresses His Prophet that the ignorant and the world are not equal, and this is an obvious comparison between the conscious and the ignorant, and the wise and the ignorant. This sentence begins with a negative question and is one of the basic slogans of Islam and highlights the greatness of the authority of science and scholars over the ignorant. 2. God exalts the status of believers and scientists ... (Surat al-Mujadaleh, verse 11). In addition to the verses of the Qur'an, which use every opportunity to express this truth, there are interpretations in Islamic narrations that are not considered higher than the importance of science: A hadith from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) states: Life is of no use except for two people: a scientist whose ideas are implemented, and scholars who listen to a scientist. (Sufficient Principles, Volume 1, Chapter on the Adjective of Knowledge and Waste, Hadith 7). ۲. In some narrations, Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (AS) mentions science as the beacon of wisdom and life of Islam and the best honor. (Mizan al-Hikma, vol. 6, Article of Science - Nahj al-Balaghah, Wisdom 113).

And in the greatness of the rank and rank of the world, it is enough that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) says: The scholars are the lights of the earth and the successors of the prophets and the heirs of me and the prophets. It is narrated that all human perfection is achieved through division in religion and planning in economic life.

The importance and greatness of the position of science; It is to the extent that God commands His Prophet in the Qur’an: Say: Is he who is knowledgeable equal to he who is ignorant? (Zumar, verse 9). The Prophet of Islam, in the position of valuing knowledge, says: It is obligatory for every Muslim to learn. Indeed, God loves those who seek knowledge. ”(Sufficient Principles, vol.

The most important mission of religion is to create supernatural motivation among human beings and to direct the correct efforts to daily efforts, so that in addition to meeting the daily needs of life, to act purposefully and strive to achieve the purpose of existence. Therefore, in Islamic culture, all the knowledge needed for human life is important and it is recommended that people take the necessary amount and needs of society to learn it, and it has been interpreted as “obligatory sufficiency”.

But for all human beings in every scientific level, paying attention to the purpose and purpose of the world and believing in the origin and resurrection is considered necessary and “objectively obligatory” and the neglect of the majority of human society is unfortunate because even the experimental and engineering sciences Power can achieve that sacred goal and is not in conflict with daily life, so according to the Qur’an and hadiths, science is a means and not an end; It is the means that perfects man and makes him prosperous in this world and the hereafter.

It is worth mentioning that the value of any science is equal to the value of the subject of that science, and in this regard, the divine and religious sciences – according to its subject – are superior to other noble sciences; But this does not mean that other sciences are insignificant and worthless and not science.

In the general view of the Qur’an, any science that leads man to worldliness and puts him in the clutches of materialism and draws his understanding and consciousness to sleep and enjoyment, making his ultimate goal only the attainment of materialism, is nothing but misguidance and misguidance. .

In short, the science that has been emphasized and praised in the narrations and verses and is considered as the Ashraf of sciences is the science of theology because it is known that this science is superior to the other sciences and Ashraf and every science is as valuable as its known.

The Prophet, who himself has reached the stage of the “frame of the arches” and has not forgotten God for a moment in all stages of his life, shows the importance and sensitivity of the issue when he utters such words.

This means that man should always try to draw closer to God and the Lord of the universe, and this is possible only by gaining knowledge of God and His greatness and greatness. The way in which man equips himself with knowledge that leads him to his Lord, and this equipment and readiness not only pushes him forward but also protects him from deviations and temptations.

On the other hand, science and learning are not the limit and the end, and man should seek to learn from the cradle to the grave.

It is stated in a hadith of the Prophet (PBUH): “If a day passes over me and I do not learn knowledge that brings me closer to God, the sunrise of that day will not be blessed for me!”

In the words of the Commanders of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as) also emphasizes the importance of acquiring knowledge, and he says in a speech: “If anyone teaches me a word, he has made me his slave.”

Therefore, the Prophet and the infallible Imams knew well that the cause of misguidance and distance from God and getting caught in darkness is ignorance, because knowledge is like a light that acquaints man with reality and truth and puts him in the arms of God. He throws and causes his exaltation and movement towards God.

  • In many narrations that have been narrated from Ahl al-Bayt (AS), many rewards, works and blessings have been stated for acquiring knowledge and acquiring knowledge. Consider a few narrations in this regard:

1- Whoever learns something and acts on it and teaches it to others, he is greatly remembered in the kingdom of heaven and it is said: This person learned, acted and taught for God.

Sea of ​​Lights vol. 2 p. 27 Chapter 9

2- Angels forgive the seeker of knowledge and pray for him in heaven and on earth.

3- Anyone who wants to look at God freed from fire should look for knowledge.

Guidance of hearts to truths vol. 1 p. 164

3- Imam Baqir (AS) said: All the creatures of the earth and even the fish of the sea send greetings and blessings to the seeker of knowledge.
Sea of ​​Lights Vol. 1 p. 173