The purpose of Imam Hossein’s uprising from Imam’s words

«وَ عَلَی الإسلام السَّلامُ إذْ بُلِیَتِ الأُمَّةُ بِراعٍ مِثْلَ یَزیدَ؛ 

When the Islamic nation is caught by a leader like Yazid, it should say goodbye to Islam”.[1]

Imam Hussain (AS) has stated here that despite the existence of a government headed by Yazid, there is no hope for the survival of God’s religion. It can be understood from the words of Imam (a.s.) that one should rise against this corrupt family by exposing their true face.

Second: Revival of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)

In a letter to a group of elders in Basra, Imam Hussain (a.s.) states that the purpose of the uprising against Yazid’s rule is to revive the tradition of the Prophet (s.a.w.).

«و أنا اَدْعُوکُمْ إلی کتابِ اللهِ و سُنَّةِ نَبِیِّهَِ(ص) فَإنَّ السُّنَّةَ قَدْ أمِیتَتْ؛[2]

I call you to the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet; Because (this group) destroyed the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

Third: Fighting heresies

In the same letter he wrote to the elders of Basra, Imam (a.s.) said:

«وَ اِنَّ البِدْعَةَ قَدْ اُحْییَتْ؛

This group revived innovation (in religion).


  In order to advance his goals and consolidate the foundations of his position, which he was very fond of, he created heresies in Islamic rules and religion, the most important of which was the deviation of the caliphate from its correct path and turning it into an autocratic and hereditary monarchy, especially the election of his defiled and unrighteous son for It was a fiduciary duty.[3]

Another heresy was how to use Bait Al-Mal. Because during Muawiyah’s time, Bait al-Mal became his and his family’s personal wealth, and no one could question him about Bait al-Mal. Another heresy was the permission to marry two sisters at the same time, and hundreds of other heresies that cannot be counted in this article.[4]

Fourth: fight against open corruption

Fifth: Revival of divine limits

Sixth: Fight against those who waste the property of the poor

On the way to Karbala, Imam Hussain (a.s.) meets Farzadaq and talks about the wrongdoings of the rulers of Syria and the goals of his uprising to support God’s religion and says:

یا فَرَزْدَقُ إنَّ هوُلاءِ قومٌ لَزِمُوا طاعَةَ الشَّیطانِ، و تَرَکوُا طاعَةَ الرَّحْمانِ، و أظْهروُا الفسادَ فی الأرضِ، وَ أبْطِلُوا الحُدُودَ، وَ شَرِبُوا الخُمُورَ، وَ اسْتَأثَروُا فی‌أموالِ الْفُقَراءِ و المَساکینَ، وَ أنَا أولی مَنْ قام بِنُصرَةِ دین الله، وَإعزازِ شَرعِهِ، و الجَهادِ فی‌سَبیلِهِ لِتَکُونَ کَلِمَةُ اللهِ هِیَ العُلیا؛[5]

O Farzdaq! These are the group that accepted the following of Satan and abandoned the obedience of the Merciful God, and made corruption in the earth openly, and destroyed the divine limits, and drank wine, and seized the properties of the poor and needy.

And I am more deserving of the help of God’s religion, the pride of his religion, and jihad in his way, so that God’s religion is victorious and superior.”

Seventh: Doing the right and fighting against the wrong

In another sermon that he gave on the way to Karbala, he said:

«ألاتَرَوْنَ إلی الحَقِّ لا یُعْمَلُ به، و إلی الباطِلِ لا یُتَناهی عنه لِیَرْغَبَ المُؤمِنُ فی لِقاءِ رَبِّهِ حَقَّاً حَقّاً؛[6

Don’t you see that right actions cannot be prevented from wrongdoing? In such a situation, it is necessary for a believer to be willing to meet his Lord.

With these words, Imam (a.s.) expresses both his goal of the uprising and his movement, and also declares his readiness to martyrdom in the way of fighting falsehood and reviving God’s religion.

Eighth: Reviving the right

The famous Muhaddith of Dinuri narrated: When the Imam moved from Batn al-Rama, he met Abdullah bin Muti, who was coming from Iraq. He said to the Imam (a.s.): My parents are sacrificed for you, O son of God’s Messenger! What made you come out of God’s shrine and your ancestor’s shrine? Imam (a.s.) said:

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