The purpose of Imam Hossein’s uprising from Imam’s words
«إِنَّ أَهْلَ الکُوفَةِ کَتَبُوا إِلیَّ یَسْألُونَنِی أَن أقْدِمَ علیهم لما رَجَوْا مِن اِحْیاءِ مَعالِمِ الحَقِّ؛[7]
The people of Kufa wrote a letter and asked me to go to them, in the hope that (with the uprising against Bani Umayyah) the signs of the truth will come to life.
Ninth: reforming the Ummah of the Prophet (PBUH)
10th: On the basis of enjoining good and forbidding evil
Perhaps the most clear and expressive interpretation of the Imam (a.s.) in explaining the main motive of his uprising is the sentence that was written in his will to his brother Muhammad Hanafiyyah:
«وَ إِنَّما خَرَجْتُ لِطَلَبِ الإِصْلاح فی أمَّةِ جَدِّی، أرِیدُ أَن آمُرَ بالمعروفِ و أنهی عن المنکر؛[8]
I only stood up to reform the nation of my ancestors, I want to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil.”
After the death of Mu’awiya, Hazrat Seyyed al-Shahada (a.s.) was greatly upset when he was called by the governor of Medina to pledge allegiance to Yazid, and he rejected it, and at night he went to the grave of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and prayed to God. :
«اللّهُمَّ هذا قَبْرُ نَبیِّکَ محمد(ص) و أنَا ابْنُ بِنْتِ نَبیِّکَ و قَدْ حَضَرَنیِ من الأَمرِ ما قَد عَلِمْتَ، اللهم إِنی أحِبُّ المعروف و أنْکِرُ المُنْکِرَ؛[9
God! This is the grave of your Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and I am also his daughter’s son. You know what happened to me. God! I like what is good and hate what is bad.”
He has another sermon which according to some scholars, this sermon was given in Mena. In this sermon, Imam (a.s.) states the result of enjoining good and forbidding evil as follows:
فَبَدَأَ اللهُ بالأمرِ بالمعروفِ و النَّهیِ عن المنکرِ فریضةً منه لِعِلْمِهِ بأَنّها إذا أُدّیَتْ و أُقِیمَتْ استقامتٍ الفرائِضُ کُلُّها هَیَّنُها و صَعْبُها و ذلک أنَّ الأمرَ بالمعروف و النَّهی عن المنکر دعاءٌ إلی الإسلام مع رَدِّ المظالِم و مُخالَفَةِ الظالم و قِسْمَةِ الْفَیْیءِ و الغنائم و أخْذِ الصدقاتِ من مواضِعها وَ وضْعِها فی حَقِّها؛[10]
God has started by enjoining the good and forbidding the evil as an obligatory duty on his part; Because he knew that if these two duties are performed and performed, all the duties, easy and difficult, will be performed and this is because enjoining the good and forbidding the bad is a call to Islam.
And it is associated with opposing the oppressor, dividing the wealth and booty, taking zakat from one’s place and spending it on a matter that deserves it.”
11th: Fighting against those who have considered what God forbids as halal.
12th: Fighting against the treaty breakers
Thirteenth: Fighting oppression
Fourteenth: Fighting against the opponents of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
According to historians, when heat prevented the movement of the Imam, the Imam (AS) wrote a letter to the elders of Kufa and stated all the four matters in this letter.
«فَقَدْ عَلِمْتُمْ أنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ(ص) قد قال فی حَیاتِهِ، مَن رَأیَ سُلْطاناً جائراً مُسْتَحِلَّا لِِحُرُمِ اللهِ…، ناکِثاً لِعَهْدِ اللهِ، مخالفاً لِسُنَّةِ اللهِ، یَعْمَلُ فیعبادِ اللهِ بالإثْمِ وَ العُدْوانِ، ثُمَّ لم یُغَیِّرْ بِفِعْلٍ و لا قولٍ، کان حَقیقاً علی اللهِ أنْ یُدْخِلَهُ مَدْخَلَهُ؛[11]