The purpose of Imam Hossein’s uprising from Imam’s words

You know that the Prophet of God (pbuh) said during his lifetime: Whoever sees a tyrannical ruler who considers the forbidden things of God as halal and breaks the covenant of God, opposes the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and behaves oppressively among the servants of God, But don’t start a practical and verbal fight with him, he deserves that God will put him in the position of that oppressive sultan (hell)”.

 With these words, while reminding the duties of all sections of the people, especially the elders of Kufa, Hazrat Syed al-Shohada (a.s.) declares his dogmatic determination to reform affairs and fight completely against the Umayyad tyrants and oppressors, and he does not make this fight conditional on their support.

Fifteenth: revealing the signs of God’s religion

16th: Implementation of divine decrees

In a sermon, Imam Hussain (a.s.) clearly states the purpose of his efforts as follows:

«اللهم إِنَّکَ تَعْلَمُ إِنَّهُ لَمْ یَکُنْ مِنَّا تَنافُساً فی سُلطانٍ، و لا التِماساً مِنْ فُضُولِ الحُطامِ، وَ لکِنْ لِنَرَیَ المَعالِمَ مِنْ دِینِکَ، و نُظْهِرَ الإصْلاحَ فی بِلادِکَ و یَأمَنَ الْمَظْلوُمُونَ مِنْ عِبادِکَ، وَ یَعْمَلَ بِفَرائِضِِکَ و سُنَّتِکَ وَ أحْکامِکَ[12] 

God! You know that what we have done (in the way of mobilizing the people) was not to compete in the matter of governance or to gain wealth, but our goal is to reveal the signs of your religion and reform and righteousness in all the world. Let us make it clear so that your oppressed servants will be at ease and your duties, traditions and commands will be followed.

17th: Establishment of Islamic government

In the sermon that he gave after the evening prayer in the gathering of the army, he said:

«أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ أنَا ابْنُ بِنْتِ رَسُولِ اللهِ(ص) و نَحْنُ أولی بِوِلایَةِ هذِهِ الأمُورِ عَلَیْکُمْ مِنْ هؤلاء المُدَّعِینَ ما لیْسَ لَهُمْ[13

O people! I am the son of the daughter of God’s Messenger, and we are more deserving of the guardianship of these affairs over you than these false claimants.

Imam (a.s.) also emphasized the mobilization of forces and the preparation of the people in the letter he addressed to Muslim (a.s.) when he was sent. In this letter we read:

وَ ادْعُ النّاسَ إِلی طأعَتی، و اُخذُلْهُم عَنْ آل أبی‌سُفیانَ، فَإنْ رَأَیْتَ الناسَ مُجْتَمِعینَ عَلی بَیْعَتی فَعَجِّلْ لی بالخَبْرِ، حَتّی أعْمَلَ علی حَسَبِ ذلک إِن شاءَ اللهِ تعالی[14]

(because you reached Kufa) invite the people to follow me and stop them from supporting Al Abis Sufyan. If the people agreed to pledge allegiance, let me know so that I can act accordingly.”

Scattering the people from the support of the Abu Sufyan family and calling the people to obey the Imam and uniting them for allegiance and companionship, all indicate the preparation of suitable mechanisms for the formation of the government.

In any case, according to the historical evidence – a part of which was passed – one of the goals of the Martyrs’ uprising was to establish an Islamic government and actually restore the caliphate to its original position so that justice and justice can be spread under the shelter and the right to restore and Vanity and filth be destroyed.

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