How did Ashura day go?
The groom was also among the Imam’s army. Below is the story of this newly arrived groom.
The bride and groom who were martyred in Karbala are Wahb and his wife Haniyeh:
It is mentioned in the history that he, along with his mother and his wife, were engaged in animal husbandry in the Thaalbiyeh desert. These three people named Qamar, Wahb and Haniyeh lived a quiet and simple life. Wahb took his sheep to the plains and desert for grazing and returned at night. He had just married Haniyeh. All three were Christians. Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his companions were on their way to Karbala when they saw a burnt black tent in the desert of Thaalbiyya. Imam went near that tent. He saw a poor old woman living there. She was the mother of Vahb’s mother. Imam asked him how he was doing. He said: Time passes.
But we are in dire straits. It would be great if we had water. Imam went with him to the side until they reached a stone, Imam removed that stone with his spear. Pleasant water came out from under the stone. The old woman was very happy and thanked Imam (peace be upon him). When saying goodbye, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) told the purpose of his migration and said to that old mother:
We need helpers. When your son Wahb returns, tell him to join us and help us in defending the truth and fighting against oppression.
Imam left. The old woman was stunned, the imam’s greatness, dignity, gentleness and kindness had captured her mind and heart. His heart wanted to move with Imam. He waited until the bride and her son Wahb came. They saw the gushing water of the spring next to their tent.
They asked the reason. Qamar explained the process to them. And he conveyed Imam’s message to his son. These three people fell in love with Imam. They took their burdens and baggage and moved towards the Imam’s caravan and reached the presence of the Imam and accepted Islam and continued their journey with the Imam’s army with full love until they reached Karbala. Nine days have passed since the wedding of Wahab and Haniyeh. They spent their honeymoon in Karbala with Hussain (peace be upon him) and his honorable family.