How did Ashura day go?
When all the companions of the Imam were martyred, it was the turn of the relatives and relatives of the Imam to be the first to go to the battlefield, Hazrat Ali Akbar. (Imam’s eldest son) which was mentioned before. Imam’s second son (Imam Sajjad, who is the fourth Imam of Shiites) did not go to the field because he was ill, and he was one of those who read a sermon in front of Yazid and disgraced him in his assembly by narrating the incident. The Imam’s brothers, including Aoun, Jafar, and Abdullah, went to the field and were all martyred. The Imam’s nephew named Qasim, who was 13 years old, asked for Jihad permission, but the Imam did not allow him and said: You are my brother’s trust with me. But Qasim begged and cried so much that Imam kissed him and allowed him.
But after a period of Jihad with the enemy, the voice of Amojan for his help was raised. The imam immediately came to his bedside after driving away the enemies and found him drowning in blood. He held his chest to his chest until he died. Then he took him to the purified bodies of the other martyrs.
Due to the intense heat of the air and the cry of thirst of women and children. Imam his brother Abbas (Hazrat Abul Fazl (AS)) who was also the leader of his army. He called and asked him to attack the enemies located on the banks of the Euphrates and bring some water for the women and children. Abbas was a brave man and became famous in the battle of Safin alongside his father by killing several Shami braves.
Abbas took a big musket and attacked the enemy army. He opened an alley between them and reached the Euphrates. He filled the musk and then filled his palm with water to drink. But he regretted and poured the water (historians believe that Abbas was very brave, maybe at that moment he remembered the moaning and thirst of women and children and did not agree to let him drink water while they were thirsty).
One of the enemies shouted to not let the water reach the tents. Otherwise, by quenching our thirst, they will cause us problems.
Abbas (pbuh) came out of the Euphrates while carrying a bottle full of water. He was holding the musket with one hand and fighting with the other hand. One of the enemy troops landed a sword on his unarmed hand and Abbas’s hand was cut off. He held his other hand to save the water, another miscreant cut off his other hand. Abbas took the musk in his teeth, but another miscreant tore the musk with an arrow, and all the hopes of the people of the tent and Abbas were disappointed. It is in history that they shot both of his eyes with arrows and blinded him, and he fell from the horse without a hand. He got up and called Imam Hussain. The Imam came to his brother’s bedside, lamented a lot and said: O brother, with your martyrdom, my back broke from loneliness.
It is said that the imam could no longer carry his brother’s body and left him there. Now the holy grave of Imam Hossein and his companions is about 100 meters away from the holy grave of Abbas.
We have in history that Abbas was so brave that he was the hope of the Imam and the people of the tents. When she was martyred, Hazrat Zainab, the elder sister of Imam Hussain (AS) shouted in the middle of the tents, “Woe to the prisoners.”
When all the companions and relatives of the Imam were martyred, it was the Imam’s turn. It is in history that Imam fought with the enemy in several stages and was a brave swordsman. He was the son of Imam Ali (a.s.), who humiliated all the brave Arabs.
that Umar (the second caliph) said in his praise. If it wasn’t for the sword of Ali, the tent of Islam would not have been erected.
One of the enemies who was present in the field says: I have never seen anyone suffer so much and fight like this with thirsty lips.