Do Shiites exaggerate their beliefs?

7- Hearing the conversation of ants by Hazrat Suleiman – Surah Namal, verse 18  

   8- The softening of iron in the hands of David (PBUH) – Saba Aye Sharifah 10

   9-Dawood (PBUH) speaking in the language of birds – Surah Namal, verse 16.

      10- The sound of the mountains with the mention of Prophet Dawood (PBUH)-Saba Aya Sharifa 10

11- Speaking in the cradle of Jesus Christ – verse 29 of Maryam: “So you signaled to him and said, “How did I speak to those who were in the cradle as a child… He said, ‘I am the servant of God.'”

   12- Jesus’ ascension to heaven when they decided to kill him – “They said: We killed Christ, the prophet of God.” They did not kill him or hang him; Rather, it became suspicious for them. Those who argue and talk about the transfer of the Messiah to the upper world are in doubt. Surely Jesus was not killed; Rather, God took him to Himself, who is all-powerful and all-knowing.” (Nasa, verses 157-158)

13- Resurrection of Prophet Uzyl after a hundred years – (Didn’t you see that person who was passing by a village while its walls had collapsed on its roofs? [And the corpses and bones of its people in He said to himself: How can God revive them after death? God made him die for a hundred years and then resurrected him. He said to him: How long did you delay? He said: One day or part of a day. Day. He said: [No] but your stay was for one hundred years, look at your food and drink, see there has been no change? Look at your ass [how it is disintegrated] this is so that We may make you a sign [in the resurrection] for the people! Now look at the bones [of your chariot] how he raised them to We graft, then we cover it with flesh?! When [these facts] were revealed to him, he said, “I know that God is capable of everything.”

(1). Surah Baqarah, verse 259.

14- Prophet Yunus being imprisoned in the belly of a fish – Prophets, 87.1 – Safat, 146 and 145.2 – Yunus, 98.1 – Safat, 147.

   15- The story of Companions of the Cave – verses 8 to 26 of Surah al-Kahf

16- The life of Noah in the Qur’an : “Verily, We sent Noah to his people, so he stayed among them for nine hundred and fifty years.” This was only the period of Noah’s prophethood, and his life was mentioned as 3500 years.

17- Noah’s Storm – Surahs 1- Araaf (59 to 64) 2- Hud (25 to 48) 3- Believers (23 to 30) 4- Poets (105 to 121) 5- Qamar (9 to 16) 6- Noah

18- Mutilation of some Jews “And those of you who transgressed (God’s command) on the Sabbath, you considered good, so We said to them, ‘Be rejected pigs.'” [1]

  “And when they disobeyed what they were forbidden from, We said to them, ‘You are driven pigs.'” [2] Al-Baqarah/Sura 2, verse 65. – Araf/Sura 7, verse 166.

19- The story of Saleh’s camel and his birth from the mountain – Aaraf / 74. – Shaara, verses 143-152. – Hood / 63 – 61- Araf / 74.

   20- Ascension of the Prophet – Isra/Sura 17, verse 1.

21- The story of the meeting of Hazrat Musa and Prophet Khizr, which due to the prophetic knowledge that Khizr had, Hazrat Musa could not understand the meaning of his deeds, and therefore protested against him three times, and Hazrat Khizr, after revealing the secrets of his deeds, forbade him from accompanying him. Surah Kahf verse 79 to 83

It is noteworthy that in the above 21 amazing stories, none of the miracles of the first prophets have been mentioned, such as the resurrection of the dead by Christ (pbuh) or the miracle of the staff of Moses (pbuh) or the breaking of the moon (the moon splitting into two halves by the Prophet of Islam).

   And if you are careful, you can find more supernatural wonders in the words of Almighty God, or as the modern people say, metaphysics.

  Therefore, with regard to the above, is it the claim of healing the patient by the Shia imams or observing the merits of the saints of God who, according to the authentic narration of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), who said: The scholars of my Ummah are higher than the prophets of Bani Israel. It can be doubtful. Is it other than this that man is a body and his spirit and soul are emanations from God’s spirit (nafakhto  Man Ruhi) – do we easily accept that an Indian ascetic does extraordinary things in his body, but a guardian of God who is connected to God cannot walk on earth? (traveling a long distance in one moment) or prophesy something.

  What if when the eye becomes a god, it sees things that the earthly eye cannot see

(Someone was talking about the teacher Nishabori whom Imam Khomeini cared for. One day we were riding, he suddenly raised his head and said, “Angels lifted up the souls of two people, and he immediately became silent.”

    Or someone was explaining that it was near the morning call to prayer, I was looking at the sky, one of the scholars was next to me and said it is the morning call to prayer, don’t you see that the morning angels are coming down.

Or the ear hears sounds that the earthly ear cannot hear. (Allameh Tabatabai’s wife tells that once I saw Allameh sitting and not sleeping. I asked him why, he said that I want to sleep, but the call of prayer on the door and the wall embarrasses me and I am forced to sit and say dhikr) .

  Or when some scholars discuss the interpretation of the softening of iron in David’s hands, and some say that maybe God taught David how to melt iron, otherwise, how can iron be soft in someone’s hands? One of the scholars of the Ahl al-Karamat gets angry at this and tears up a congregation that was in the place like paper and says: Gentlemen, I am an insignificant servant of God, I did this with God’s permission, how can a prophet of God not be able to do this.

In short, Shia does not exaggerate. There are all these Karamats, even much more than what we have heard. But we must pay attention to two issues, firstly, many people from Karamat are very secretive and sometimes issues about them are leaked and others are informed.

Because they don’t need attention like us, and they pay attention to a source that doesn’t need all of them

  Second, if this rust has clouded our hearts and we are unable to believe things. It is not the reason for the absence of those virtues. We should seek to clean the rust in our hearts, not to deny the issue. The most important thing is that we do not accept every word from anyone, we must have sufficient knowledge. We have a narration that a believer is clever.

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