Author: montazer

Hasn’t the time for the appearance of Imam Mahdi (AS) arrived?

In the narrations related to the appearance of Imam Mahdi, we have that Imam (a.s.) will appear when the earth is full of oppression. And with his coming, the world will be filled with justice.
Certainly, throughout history, there were many cruel people who oppressed their own people or the people of other lands and violated their rights and killed many innocent people.
But we don’t expect it in the 21st century where all the audio and visual media record and record the smallest events in the world every day and put them in front of 8 million people.
Find a regime that will drop thousands of tons of bombs on the people who are in their ancestral land. While their killers have come from distant lands and occupied their lands by force and destroyed their houses and built their own houses and towns.
And in the course of nearly three months, they have been bombed several times as many times as the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and they have been surrounded and massacred in the most populated place in the world.
And they killed nearly thirty thousand of them, two-thirds of them were women and children.
And the interesting thing is that despite having most of the world’s media cartels in their hands, the international community has repeatedly tried to stop the fire.
But America, as the first military power in the world, not only regularly sends them funds and military weapons. Rather, it vetoes all UN resolutions and advises the Hague Court of Arbitration not to issue a decision.
To thereby practically leave the hand of the Israeli apartheid regime free to continue its genocide.
Is the siege of 2 million people and depriving them of receiving water, food and health services as the basic needs of every human being both in the 21st century and by the countries in the world who are trumpeting their support for human rights deafening the ears of the people of the world? It is not a sign that the earth is filled with cruelty.
Where does dropping a bomb of several hundred tons on the head of an infant who is afraid of the sound of a human sneeze fall into human rights?
Every day we hear about the death of starving children, because the most powerful countries in the world decided not to give them even a morsel of bread. In front of the eyes of 8 billion inhabitants of this planet.
O God, be the savior of the deprived and the avenger of the hard-hearted oppressors.
Oh God, Al-Ajl Al-Walik al-Fraj.

Do Shiites exaggerate their beliefs?

Is it true that Shiites have unreasonable supernatural beliefs (according to modern people, they exaggerate)? To examine this point of view, it is better to seek help from the Holy Quran, which is the word of God Almighty. Certainly, all Muslims are aware of this fact that the Holy Qur’an is the word of God and the miracle of the Prophet, and according to the Holy Qur’an itself, no one is capable of reciting a single surah like it. If we take a brief look at the book of God, we will see stories in it that were anywhere other than the Holy Quran, perhaps many Muslims would deny it, let alone non-Muslims – to clarify the issue, we will mention some famous stories in the Holy Quran. .

                                                                      1- The story of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) being thrown into the fire and the fire cooling down for him – Prophets/Sura 21, verse 60.

                                                                       2- The story of birds coming back to life in the hands of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) – Surah Al-Baqarah verse 260

                                                                      3- The splitting of the Nile river by the staff of Moses (pbuh) -] Surah Taha, verse: 77 “He made a way for them in the sea…

                                                                      4- Pouring food from the sky for the people of Bani Israel -] Baqarah: 57

                                                                       5- Conquering demons and making use of them by Hazrat Suleiman – Surah p. 38.                                                                       6- Solomon’s ride on the wind – Saba/Sura 34, verse 10-12

Translation of volume 1 of the Book of Ghadir

Book of Al-Ghadir

A summary of the author’s words

in the name of God

It is not a secret to the speakers and masters of knowledge that compiling and preparing this book is the result of many years of life and suffering that I have endured to call this collection in the name of service and politeness and in order to raise the flag of the culture of the Holy Quran. I made the culture of pure religion and the beauty of God available to people of insight. Those who read this wonderful discussion carefully will know what hardships I faced to complete this service. I am confident that the reading of this book will stimulate the sense of gratitude of every scientist and interested person and thanks to the great effort and effort used in this way, they will help me in publishing it. I pray to the almighty God for the knowledge and supporters of truth and virtue who have supported me with courage and courage in the implementation of this holy program and will continue to offer success and stability.

Amini – Najafi

Meeting with Imam Zaman (AS) in the present age-2

A meeting between Ayatollah Haqshanas and Imam Zaman (A.S.)

One of the students and close friends of the religious scholar Hazrat Ayatollah Hajj Mirza Abdul Karim Haqshanas, in a telephone interview with him by the reporter of Labik, he shared an unspoken and instructive memory of that divine scholar, which you will see below:

Mr. RL said: The late Haj Agha (Ayatollah Haqshanas) missed his flight at Mehrabad airport when he wanted to go to Mecca and had to be sent alone for the next flight.

After getting off the plane in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah) because no one knew him and he had lost his caravan and he also did not know where the accommodation of the caravan and his companions was, they boarded a taxi and the taxi driver accompanied them. A convoy is disembarked and they are not treated with respect during this route.

Even that caravan gives a place like a warehouse where onions, potatoes, etc. were kept to Ayatollah Haqshanas and they say that you are not our pilgrim.

Ayatollah Haqshanas, who had become “distressed” due to his old age and physical condition on the one hand, and people’s inappropriate treatment of him, found recourse to the holy presence of Sahib al-Zaman (a.s.) (Imam Mahdi a.s.) in the same place (the hotel storeroom).

Ayatollah Haqshanas says: Until I found refuge with Hazrat Hojjat (A.J.), Agha (A.J.) came, I stood up, I stood up, he smiled at me and I held Agha Imam Zaman for 15 minutes and I reported to them that I I got stuck on the flight, I lost my way and…they mistreated me, they said these things to me and they say you are not one of us… I used to say that they heard all my prayers, after my prayers were over, Hazrat Hojjat came, when Imam Zaman left, suddenly the door of the warehouse opened and the head of the Iranian consul in Jeddah came in and said where were you and we searched for you a lot and…

Then, after expressing this memory, Mr. R-L continued by quoting Ayatollah Haqshanas:

This was while no one knew where Ayatollah Haqshanas was, then he was treated with great dignity and respect and all facilities were provided.

After expressing this memory, Ayatollah Haqshanas used to say:

Any person in need, wherever he is, appeals to Hazrat Baqiyat Allah, Hazrat himself will come.

subscripts :

[1] For more information, see: Profile: Communication with Imam Zaman (AS), question 1029 (site: 1084).

[2]. Sheikh Sadouq, Kamal al-Din, vol. 2, p. 441, Dar al-Katb al-Islamiya, Qom, 1395 AH.

[3]. Har Ameli, Vasal al-Shi’a, vol. 13, p. 259, Al-Al-Bait Foundation, Qom, 1409 AH; Man Laihzara al-Faqih, vol. 2, p. 520, Jamia Modaresin Publications, Qom, 1413 AH.

[4]. Sheikh Sadouq, Kamal al-Din, vol. 2, p. 441; Tusi, Muhammad ibn Hasan, Al-Ghaibah, p. 362, research by Abdollah al-Tahrani and Ali Ahmad Naseh, Qom, Al-Maarif Islamic Foundation, 1411 AH; Sheikh Sadouq, Man La Yahzara al-Faqih, vol. 2, p. 520.

[5]. Tusi, Al-Ghaibah, p. 161; Kamaluddin, vol. 2, p. 346; Al-Wasal al-Shia, vol. 11, p. 135.

[6]. Al-Wasal al-Shia, vol. 11, p. 133.

Sources: Islampedia, Ayatollah Haqshana information base

Processing: Mohammadi

Tebayan Mahdavit section

Miracles of the Twelfth Imam (Imam of the Time) in the contemporary century

On Monday, the 18th month of Safar of the year one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven, an important event happened that worried me and hundreds of other people, that is, my wife, Mohammad Motaghi Hamedani, due to the grief and crying of her two young children for two years. who died in one moment in the mountains of Shemiran, on this day they had a partial stroke, of course, according to the doctors’ orders, we were treated and treated, but no results were obtained until the night of Friday 22nd of Safar, that is, four days after the stroke incident, Friday night at I almost went to rest in my stall after reciting a few verses from the word of God and reading a short prayer from the Friday night prayers, I asked God Almighty to allow Imam Zaman Hajja bin Al-Hassan, may God bless him and his father, to help us. And the reason why I resorted to it and did not directly ask God Almighty for my needs was that almost a month before this incident, my little daughter Fatima was begging me to read the stories of those who were blessed by Hazrat Baqiyat Allah. The spirit and the souls of the worlds were sacrificed to him, and they have become responsible for the emotions and benevolence of that master. I also accepted the request of this ten-year-old girl and read Najm Saqib Haji Nouri’s book to her. Meanwhile, I also thought that like hundreds of other people, why should I not resort to the evidence of waiting for the twelfth Imam, peace be upon him, so as above I reminded him that around eleven o’clock in the night, I appealed to that nobleman and went to sleep with a heart full of sorrow and tears in my eyes. I woke up at four o’clock after midnight on Friday as usual. Everyone is coming – the noise increased a bit and they became quiet, and at half past five, which was the first morning call to prayer in those days, I came down with the intention of ablution, and suddenly I saw my eldest daughter, who was usually asleep at this time, was awake and full of joy and happiness. Until his eyes fell on me, he said, “Give me good news, sir.” I said, “What’s going on?” I thought that my sister or brother came from Hamedan. He said that they healed my mother. I said that he healed? He said that his mother woke us up at four after midnight with a loud voice and haste and anxiety because her daughter and her brother Haj Mehdi and her niece Engineer Ghafari had come from Tehran to take the patient to Tehran for treatment. There were three people in the sick room, when suddenly the sick man shouted, “Get up, chase him away, get up, chase him away.” He sees that by the time they wake up, the gentleman is gone, he has not been able to move for four days, and jumps to follow him. His daughter, who was taking care of her mother’s condition, had woken up due to her mother’s noise to wake up the man, followed her to the yard to see where her mother was going. He can believe that he has come all this way. He asks his daughter Zahra if I am dreaming or awake? Her daughter answers that your mother healed you, sir, where were you when you said to send him away, we didn’t see anyone, mother says Mr. A nobleman in clerical clothes, who was neither very young nor old, came to my bedside and said: Get up, God has healed you. I said I can’t get up. He said in a sharper tone: You are cured, get up and I got up from the majesty of that great man. He said: You are cured, don’t take medicine and don’t cry anymore, and when he wanted to leave the room, I woke you up to send him away, but I saw that you were late, so I got up myself and followed the gentleman, thank God, after this attention and The patient’s condition improved immediately, and her right eye, which had lost vision due to the stroke, was resolved. After four days, he did not feel like eating at all, at that moment he said, “I am hungry, bring me food.” They gave him a glass of milk that was in the house and he ate it willingly. She was relieved from her heart and besides, the above-mentioned lady had rheumatism from five years ago, she was cured by the grace of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, although the doctors could not cure her. One of the doctors who treated this lady, I explained her recovery to him. The doctor said that the stroke that I saw could not be cured by normal means unless it was cured by breaking habits and miraculously. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and peace be upon him, Muhammad and his family of the infallible, especially the Imam of the Asr and the honor of the future, the circle of possibility, the lord and ruler of mankind, the owner of the earth and time, the owner of the rivals of the worlds, Hajja bin Al-Hasan al-Askari, peace be upon him and his forefathers of the infallible, until the Day of Resurrection. Ibn Mohammad Taqi Muttaqi Hamdani). The book of authenticity of Mahdavit…p. 70-74 Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani

Age of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) at the time of appearance:

The opinion of the Shia – the opinion of the Sunnis

Which is more rational?

In all divine and non-divine religions, it is emphasized on the savior of the end of time that he will eliminate oppression and oppression in the world and establish the rule of justice.

Not much has been said about the characteristics of the savior, but in Sunni religion it is claimed that the savior is born before the advent and rises in youth or middle age and fills the world with justice and justice after it has been filled with oppression.

We know that throughout the history of mankind, there has never been a single person to rule over all the people of the planet.

And regarding the implementation of justice on earth, the first prophets who were constantly in contact with the source of revelation and received orders from God through Gabriel. They were also unable to establish complete justice in the small community where they appeared and remove oppression from their society. We even have the case of Prophet Noah who, despite 950 years of prophecy, was able to make a handful of people follow his beliefs, let alone govern and implement justice in Society .

  • Now, how can we accept that a person who was born from ordinary parents and has no connection with revelation. At the age of 30-40, he can form such a religious government in the age of inexperience that he can take over all the military-political and economic governments in the world and create justice in the world and all the nuclear and non-nuclear powers. subjugate the world. So, with the knowledge that was only obtained from the appearance of the Qur’an and hadiths, what if we have the words of our honorable imams, which at the end of time, religion is like an upside-down sheepskin. Also, using traditions that have undergone changes and distortions over the course of 1400 years. So, common sense does not allow an ordinary person with this ordinary ability to do something that no prophet has ever done.


Arbaeen Hosseini is famous for the 40th day of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and his faithful companions, which coincides with the 20th day of the month of Safar.

According to some reports, the prisoners of Karbala went to Karbala on the 20th day of Safar 61 AH on their return from Syria to visit the grave of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and other martyrs. However, some scholars such as Sheikh Tusi and Sheikh Mofid believe that the captives went from Syria to Medina; Also, some scholars, writers and Muqatil considered it unlikely that the captives arrived in Karbala during the first Arbaeen of Hussain and rejected the traditions and evidence in this case. However, Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari’s arrival in Karbala in Arba’in and the visitation of that Prophet, there is not much difference between the sources and the tradition of Arba’in pilgrimage was established by him.

Arbaeen pilgrimage is one of the recommended actions of this day and according to a narration from Imam Hassan Askari (peace be upon him), it is considered one of the signs of a believer. Shiites mourn on this day. The Arbaeen walk to Karbala is one of the largest mourning ceremonies and one of the largest religious gatherings in the world.

How did Ashura day go?

On the night of Ashura, the Imam gave a speech to his companions and said: The target of Yazid and his army is me, and they want me to pledge allegiance to Yazid, while the humiliation of pledging allegiance is far from me. I prefer to die with dignity than to live with the shame of allegiance to this corrupt person. The Imam said: As you know, Ibn Ziyad sent a large army to fight with us (it is mentioned in history that there were thirty thousand people in Ibn Ziyad’s army). And with these few people that we have, surely none of us will be alive tomorrow. Therefore, I take my allegiance from you and turn off the lights so that you can use the darkness of the night without shame and return to your city with your family. (This was one of the fountains of Imam’s chivalry, although he was a little strong, but he was not ready for anyone to lose his life for him and his family.). With this suggestion of the imam, some people took advantage of the darkness of the night and left. But every one of them was upset when they heard these words and said that it is not a pity that you die and we live after you. And some of them said that if we become martyrs 70 times on this road and come back to life, we will still sacrifice ourselves to you and your way.

The day before Ashura, Shammar was one of the commanders of Ibn Ziyad’s army. Because the brothers of Imam Hussain (A.S.) (Abbas (Abul-Fazl) Aoun, Jafar and Abdullah) their mother was from his tribe, he had obtained a letter of protection for them from Ibn Ziyad. He asked them to leave the Imam’s tents and get a letter of protection in front of the Imam’s tents. He faced the harsh and humiliating treatment of Hazrat Abbas and his brothers and returned embarrassed.

When the day of Ashura came, it had been three days that Ibn Ziyad’s army had closed the Euphrates water route to the Imam and his companions.
This was while the Imam had pitched a tent on the edge of the Euphrates a few days before, when Ibn Ziyad’s army was still small. He left the way for drinking water and even ordered the horses to water themselves and take whatever water they wanted.

This dam caused thirst in the tents and companions of the Imam and was an important factor in weakening the forces of the companions of the Imam. As we have in the hadiths that Hazrat Ali Akbar (eldest son of Imam) after making several brave attacks on the enemy. He returned to his father and said, “Father, I am thirsty, I see the sky dark.” Imam Hussain started crying and said, “My son, put your tongue in my mouth, maybe it will quench my thirst a little.”
The Imam said: Be patient, my child, you will soon be fed by the hand of the grandmother of the Messenger of God. And Hazrat Ali Akbar returned to the field and killed a number of other enemies. He advanced to the heart of the enemy and fell down from his horse. Suddenly, his voice was raised to shout for me. Like an angry lion, the Imam tore through the enemy army and appeared on the bed of his son and placed his head on his chest until his soul was separated from his body. He said, O my son, I will leave this world after you.

The imam brought Ali Akbar’s body to the front of the tents and placed it next to the purified body of the other martyrs.

As Imam was a zealous person, he wanted no one to be exposed to the tent of his Ahl al-Bayt and his companions as long as he was alive. Therefore, they pitched the tents in such a way that the enemy could only attack them from one side, and that side was also limited by digging a ditch and filling it with firewood in order to set fire to them in times of danger. At this time, one of the enemy’s people came near the ditch and said, “O Hussein, you want to burn in the fire of hell in this world” and the Imam cursed him.
His horse ran from the side of the ditch and knocked him to the ground and went to hell.

During the 10 days they were stationed in the plain of Karbala, the Imam regularly advised the enemies. On the last day, before the war started again, the Imam preached a sermon to the enemy’s army and said: “Was it not you who sent me a letter to come to Kufa?” And he ordered one of his companions to take all the letters and even called the people of the enemy army by name saying that this is not your letter. In the end he said: Now that you don’t want me, I have nothing to say. Let me go back to my city and country. Or should I go to other provinces? Am I not the son of your Prophet? What will you gain by killing me?

Imam said: If you have no religion, at least be a free man. They said: You have only one way and that is to pledge allegiance to Yazid.

The Imam said: The humiliation of swearing allegiance to the corrupt Yazid is far from us. One of the enemies shouted, “Hossein, stop, you have made us tired, and only the sword will judge between us and you.”
After fulfilling the duty, the Imam gave the command to be ready to fight.

First, the companions of the Imam came one by one and asked permission from the Imam to go to the battlefield. With their brave attacks, which were caused by the spirit of martyrdom. Some of the enemies were sent to hell. And finally, they died due to exhaustion, thirst and injuries. From 80 years old to 13 years old, they were among the Imam’s companions.