Category: muslim

What is Islam?

Islam is the last religion sent by God to guide humanity. Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of God.


Who is the Prophet of Islam

Name: Mohammed bin Abdullah

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is called “Ahmad” in the Torah and some scriptures. Amina, the daughter of Wahhab, the mother of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had called her “Ahmad” before naming her son Abdulmutallab.
Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): On Friday, the seventeenth day of Rabi’ah (570 AD) (Shiite version).
Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad: Mecca, in the land of Hejaz (present-day Saudi Arabia).


How to become a Muslim

Muslim woman
Sarah after becoming a Muslim

Islam believes that man must do good research to find the right path. And research must be based on the three principles of monotheism:
