Category: Religion

komail prayer

The KOMAIL  prayer is one of the most famous prayers; Allama Majlisi (may God have mercy on him) has said: This prayer is one of the best prayers and it is the prayer of Khidr of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) taught it to Kamil, who was one of the personalities of his companions; And he has also said: It is recited on the nights of mid-Shaban and every Friday night, and it is useful for preventing the bites of the enemies and opening the doors of sustenance and the forgiveness of sins. KOmil prayer is at the peak of mysticism and this shows the position of Imam Ali (AS) in the sight of God.

Shaykh al-Tusi and Sayyid Ibn Tawus have mentioned it in their prayer books, and I narrate the text of this heavenly treasure from “Mesbah al-Muttahid”; And that noble prayer is:

اللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ الَّتِى وَسِعَتْ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ، وَبِقُوَّتِكَ الَّتِى قَهَرْتَ بِها كُلَّ شَىْءٍ، وَخَضَعَ لَها كُلُّ شَىْءٍ، وَذَلَّ لَها كُلُّ شَىْءٍ، وَبِجَبَرُوتِكَ الَّتِى غَلَبْتَ بِها كُلَّ شَىْءٍ، وَبِعِزَّتِكَ الَّتِى لَايَقُومُ لَها شَىْءٌ، وَ بِعَظَمَتِكَ الَّتِى مَلَأَتْ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ، وَ بِسُلْطانِكَ الَّذِى عَلَا كُلَّ شَىْءٍ، وَ بِوَجْهِكَ الْباقِى بَعْدَ فَنَاءِ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ، وَبِأَسْمَائِكَ الَّتِى مَلَأَتْ أَرْكَانَ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ، وَبِعِلْمِكَ الَّذِى أَحَاطَ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ، وَبِنُورِ وَجْهِكَ الَّذِى أَضَاءَ لَهُ كُلُّ شَىْءٍ؛ يَا نُورُ يَا قُدُّوسُ، يَا أَوَّلَ الْأَوَّلِينَ، وَيَا آخِرَ الْآخِرِينَ .

I ask you, O God, for your mercy, which has encompassed everything, and for the power with which you have overcome everything, and for which you have humbled everything, and for which everything has been humiliated, and for the absolute power with which you have excelled everything, and for the abilities with which Nothing endured before him, and to the greatness that filled everything, and to the kingdoms that are above everything, and to the nature that remains after the destruction of everything, and to your letter, which laid the foundations of everything and knew that it surrounded everything and The light of your essence in the light of which everything shines; O light, O clean from every defect, O beginning of every beginning and O end of every end,

The place of Imam Hussein (AS) in the words of the Prophet of Islam

The narrations of the Prophet in the status of Ahl al-Bayt

These narrations can be divided into three categories:

First: The words that the Messenger of God said about the position of the Ahl al-Bayt (one of whom is Hussein (peace be upon him));
Second: Hadiths about Manaqib and the position of Hasnain that have been narrated from the point of view of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him);
Third: The narrations about the status of Hussein from the perspective of the Holy Prophet. [1] [2]

Narrations in the status of Hasnain

Some of the second category of narrations about Manaqib and the status of Hasnain, which came from a prophet, are as follows:

  1. The narrations in which the Messenger of God called Hasnain two of his fragrant flowers in this world. [3] [4] [5]
    ۲. The news in which Rasool Khatam called Hassan and Hussein two gentlemen and masters of the youth of Paradise;

The Truth is with Ali(as)

What are the virtues of Imam Ali? 1- One of the virtues that has been narrated by the Sunnis is the birth of Imam Ali (as) inside the Kaaba. A virtue that, according to the Sunni elders, is a special virtue, which is unique to the existence of Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (AS).

Saying that God has done this care for the greatness of Imam (AS), he added: “Even the prophets did not have this virtue and it was really a miraculous event and it was not like the Kaaba was opened in the house, but the wall was opened and Fatima bint Asad Ali’s mother stayed inside the Kaaba for three days and nights, and the elders of Mecca could not open the Kaaba no matter what they did during those three days. 2- Imam Ali with the Prophet: It was destiny that Ali (AS) took refuge in the loving and loving lap of the Prophet (PBUH) from his childhood, so that he would always be proud of his kindness:
“You are aware of my position with the Messenger of God (PBUH) in my close kinship and the special status I have with him. He puts me in his arms as a child; He clings to his chest and puts him next to him in his bed … He never heard a lie from me and did not see any mistake or slip in my work … »]. Nahj al-Balaghah, Faiz al-Islam, Sermon 234, (with summary 3- The first Muslim after Hazrat Khadijeh:
According to some sources, the Prophet (PBUH) considered Imam Ali (AS)’s first Muslim as a virtue for him. [Ibn Aqda Kufi, The Virtues of the Commanders of the Faithful (peace be upon them), 1424 AH, p. 24 4-: Ali (AS) and the sanctuary of Hara
Historians write:
“Ali (AS) was with the Prophet (PBUH) so much that whenever he left the city and went to the mountains and desert, he would take him with him.”
Yes, Imam Ali (AS) saw the light of revelation and smelled the fragrance of mission and prophecy.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in this regard:
إِنَّكَ تَسْمَعُ مَا أَسْمَعُ وَتَرَى مَا أَرَى; لاِلَّ أَنَّكَ لَسْتَ بِنَبِيٍّ وَلَكِنَّكَ وَزِیرٌ …; [8] You hear and see what I hear and see; “But you are not a prophet, but a minister and a helper.”

5- The first helper [11]
At the beginning of Islam, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) secretly called people to the divine religion. [12] But after a while, the first message of a friend in the mangrove cave fell on the heart of the Prophet:
وَأَنْذِرْ عَشیرَتَكَ اْلَأَقْرَبِينَ وَخْفِضْ جَناحَكَ لِمَنِ اتّبَعَكَ مِنَ الْمُؤْنِينَ فَإِنْ عَصَوْكَ فَن ُِن نِن Then the Prophet conveyed his message to his relatives according to the above verse and said:
“Which one of you will help me in this work so that my brother, guardian and caliph will be among you?”
And only Ali (AS) broke the heavy silence of the parliament:
“O Messenger of God! “I am.”
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Ali, my guardian and caliph among you. “Listen to him and obey him.”
From then on, Ali (AS) was appointed as the successor and guardian of the Messenger of God (PBUH). [14] 6- Laylat al-Mubayt: It was a night when Imam Ali (AS) slept in the place of the Prophet of Islam so that the infidels who had planned to kill him would not notice the empty bed of the Prophet and the Prophet was able to migrate to Medina at night and save the Prophet’s life.
7- The author of the Holy Qur’an: One of the honors of Ali (AS) is to be the author of revelation who, according to his own words, collected it with all its revelation and the things that the Prophet had taught him, which unfortunately the second caliph did not accept and the Qur’an collected by Uthman Recognized. 8- Marriage to the daughter of the Prophet: This marriage took place on the 1st of Dhu al-Hijjah in the second year of AH. The sermon of their marriage was read by the Holy Prophet. According to narration sources, before Imam Ali (AS), other immigrants and Ansar expressed their desire to marry Hazrat Fatima (AS) to the Prophet (AS) but were opposed by him.

The dowry of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) is mentioned in various sources between 400 and 500 dirhams, which is called the dowry of the Sunnah. Imam Ali (AS), according to what is narrated in the narrations, sold his armor to provide the dowry and the Prophet prepared the dowry of Hazrat Fatima (AS) with that money. On the night of the marriage of Imam Ali (AS) and Hazrat Fatima (AS), the people of Medina were fed at the invitation of the Prophet (PBUH). 9- Imam Ali in the battle of Badr: The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) in this battle – which is the beginning of the war of the Prophet of God and also the first heroic figure of Ali (pbuh) – has a spectacular, praiseworthy and wonderful effect, as follows:

  1. The victorious flag of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was in the mighty hands of Ali (as).

۲. Before the confrontation and in the critical stage of obtaining information, he went on a mission with some companions to achieve some and all of the enemy forces, which was an effective success.

  1. In the heart of the dark and horrible darkness of the night of battle, when the Prophet of God asked for water, Ali (as) stood up and steadily stepped on “Badr” and took water from a very deep and dark well and watered the Prophet of God. .
  2. In the first hand-to-hand battle, Ali (as) threw Walid ibn Utbah to the ground and then helped his opponent to kill Utbah, Walid’s father. Ali (as) has mentioned this glorious epic in a letter to Mu’awiyah:

I am a good father! The killer of your grandfather and brother and uncle that I split their heads in the battle of Badr; And I have that sword with me and I face my enemy with the same heart.

  1. Ali (pbuh) also buried As ibn Sa’id, the mighty warrior of the Quraysh, and Nawfal ibn Khuwaylid, the evil and vindictive enemy of the Prophet (pbuh).
  2. When the order to launch a general attack was issued and the forces joined forces and the fire of battle was kindled, it was Ali (as) who attacked the enemy like an angry lion and destroyed their military formation. As it is reported, 35 of the seventy slain polytheists were killed by the sword of Ali (as).

Experience near death

This lady explains that because she has suffered from many family and economic problems. Therefore, she constantly objected to God and denied God one last time, and said, “God, if you exist, show yourself to me, and then lie down on the couch and feel.” He is very thirsty. Then he gets up to go to the kitchen while he has no will and goes out. Then he sees his body lying on the couch while his soul comes out of the house. He says I could easily see inside all the houses, I even knew who were inside the houses. Suddenly I saw animals the size of a three-story building attack me like pigs, etc. They made terrible noises and attacked me. It was a very horrible scene. I was trapped next to a concrete wall. I had no hope of being saved anymore. Suddenly I cried from the bottom of my heart or Imam Hussein help me (it should be explained here that Imam Hussein is the third Imam of the Shiites who is the grandson of the Prophet of Islam In the desert of Karbala, he and 72 of his companions and relatives, including his six-month-old infant, were besieged and dismembered by the 30,000-strong Yazid army, and their property was looted, and their tents were set on fire and their wives were They were taken prisoner.). This lady says: “As soon as I said, ‘Help me, Hussein,’ I saw a hand come up and pull me up and save me.” The child sat down and cut his throat, and immediately the child’s head and hands came back and blood came out of his throat and there was blood everywhere and at once the whole space was filled with a voice that said: halat be fenak

(He had seen the scene of the shooting on the neck of Imam Hussein’s (AS) son when his father took him by the head and asked Yazid’s army to have mercy on the infant and give him water. But Yazid’s army tore his throat with an arrow. .

This lady says: Suddenly I saw myself inside my body. I immediately picked up my phone and searched for the word I heard there (halat be fenaek). I saw the text of this Ashura pilgrimage prayer which is about the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.

From there, I decided to visit the shrine of Imam Hussein (AS), but this took two years (because I had taken usury and this money was forbidden in my life, and it took me two years to return it).

I suffered a lot to reach Karbala. There, because it was the days before Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (AS), it was very crowded, so we made a pilgrimage from afar and we returned the women to the hotel.

There, while I was trying to lie on my bed, I saw myself out of my soul again. I saw that I was near the shrine of Imam Hussein, I saw everyone, even everyone who said everything and did everything.

Even one of our gentlemen greeted Imam Hussein (AS) in a special way, to which I said the next day: Why did you greet Imam Hussein like that? He came back and told me, “Did you not return? Where did you see him?”

He says: I am between the two shrines (I must explain that between the two shrines is the part where the shrine of Imam Hussein (AS) is on one side and the shrine of Hazrat Abul-Fazl (AS) is on the other side, which is oval and this distance is about 70 meters. is ). I saw it as an oval that continued to the throne of God and had no roof and …

Eventually he returns to his body and sees that his roommate spit on his face and says that he suddenly fainted.


Mirza Nouri narrates the story of Sayyid Bahr al-Ulum reciting a poem in the shrine of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) in the 72nd story of Najm Saqib.

The pious scholar, the pious pious, Mr. Mirza Hussein Lahiji Rashti, near Najaf Ashraf, who is one of the best known for peace and the best piety in the eyes of the ulema, quoted from the divine scholar and heavenly supporter, Mullah Zayn al-Abidin Salmasi, who said: One day, Mr. Bahr al-Ulum Tab Surah – entered the shrine of Amir al-Mo’menin (as) and sang to this verse:

What a pleasure to hear the enchanting voice of the Quran
After Seyed, I asked why he was reading this verse.

He said: When I entered the shrine of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him), I saw Imam al-Asr (peace be upon him) reciting the Qur’an aloud above his head. Because I heard the voice of that noble man, I sang that verse. When I entered the shrine, he left the recitation and left the shrine.

Meeting with Imam Zaman (AS)

Allama Bahr al-Ulum met with Imam al-Zaman (as) in Mecca
The revered cleric Mullah Zayn al-Abedin Salmasi, who witnessed the work of Allameh Bahr al-Ulum during his stay in Mecca, says: .
So one day we had nothing. Therefore, I presented the situation to the service of Allama Bahr al-Ulum and said: “The expenses are high and nothing is available.”
He did not say anything and Allameh’s habit was to circumambulate the Ka’bah in the morning and come home and go to his own room.
Then we would take a hookah for him, he would smoke it. Then he would come out and sit in another room, and the disciples of every religion would gather. So he taught for each group according to his religion.
On the day I complained of poverty yesterday, when he returned from Tawaf, I prepared a hookah as usual, when suddenly someone knocked on the door.
Allameh became very anxious and said to me, “Take the hookah and take it out of here.” And he got up quickly and opened the door near Wader.
So a high-ranking person like the Arabs entered and sat in Sayyid’s room.
They sat for a while and talked to each other. Then the man got up, so Sayyid got up in a hurry and opened the door of the house and kissed his hand and put him on the camel that he had put to sleep in the house.
He went and Wassid came back pale and handed me a letter and said: “This is a letter to a money changer who is on Mount Safa. “Go to him and take from him what is written on him.”
So I took that letter and took it to the same man. When he took the letter and looked at it, he kissed it and said, “Go and get some porters.”
So I went and brought four porters and to the extent that those four people were strong, they brought the French Rial and they took it. The French Rial is five Ajami Qurans and a larger amount. The porters were brought home by the porters. One day I went to the money changer to find out about him and who the letter was from, that I saw neither a money changer nor a shopkeeper! I asked the person who was there about the money changer. “We have never seen a money changer here, and someone is sitting here,” he said. Then I realized that this was one of the secrets of the king of signs “(13).
Book of meeting of great scholars with Imam Zaman (AS)

The greatness of the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS)

imam HOSAIN(as)

The greatness of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein
Some say why the martyrdom of Imam Hussein is so important and why we have in the narrations that shedding a drop of tears for Imam Hussein causes the forgiveness of all sins.
But what has Imam Hussein done that his position with God is higher than that of the prophets and others? Even this position is not mentioned for his noble father that crying for his martyrdom will lead to the forgiveness of all sins.
We must see to what extent Imam Hussein (AS) has reached the position of obedience and pleasure of God.
Imam Hussein was the one who witnessed the beating of his beloved mother by the supporters of the first caliph after the death of the Prophet when he was 6 years old, and this was not a young age to understand this heartbreaking grief. And it had not been 6 months since his mother. They lost their wounded and became orphans and suffered from the grief of motherlessness, and this grief was not small for this 6-year-old child. (1) (2)
It was in these days that Imam Hussein (AS) witnessed the worst encounters with his honorable father until he saw him on the rope around his neck in the eyes of the creators in Bani Hashem alley and how hard it is for a child who always considers his father to be the strongest man in the world. See for a moment. (1) (2)
These events were so difficult for this young child that he once addressed the second caliph in the Prophet’s mosque to come down from the pulpit of the Prophet because it was not his right. And the second caliph says in his reply that his son is really his father.
Imam Hussein witnessed the oppression of his father and the seizure of his rights for 25 years.
Imam Hussein witnessed the bad faith of the people of Kufa with his father, who repeatedly stated in his sermons: I wish I never knew you. And in the end, they bled his blood and martyred him.
Imam Hussein witnessed the Kufis’ ill-treatment of his noble brother and his insult and humiliation. Finally, he witnessed his martyrdom at the hands of the unbelievers.
Imam Hussein witnessed when they wanted to take his brother to visit the grave of his noble grandfather before burying him, how the accursed one ordered the nobleman’s body to be shot by archers, and when his zealous brother Hazrat Abbas took up the sword so that the oppressors To kill, the Imam took his brother’s hand and called him to be patient. (4) (5)
Imam Hussein, because he was committed to his brother’s allegiance to Mu’awiyah, was patient again and remained silent during Mu’awiyah’s time. But with the death of Mu’awiyah, allegiance was removed from his neck.
But the idle Yazid did not give up and ordered the emir of Medina to either take allegiance from him or kill him.
It was here that the Imam decided to start his historical movement and save the religion of his ancestor from deviation by his movement and show the people how far Islam has deviated and he must revive him with his oppressed martyrdom, and the culmination of this The target was in the desert of Karbala, who said: If my ancestor’s religion is to be revived by killing me, then surround me with the swords.
The Imam left Medina because he was not a man of allegiance and if he remained he would be martyred, but martyrdom in Medina among his people could not have caused that great shock to the deviant Muslims of that time and revived the religion. He went to Mecca, but there, for the same reason as before, and because Mecca was a safe house of God, he was afraid that the sanctity of that place would be violated. It was at this time that couriers from the people of Kufa were sent to him one after another and invited him to Kufa. The Imam knew what the end result was. But he had no right to act contrary to the existing conditions required by the intellect, custom, and duty of the Imamate. He was now the real Imam and Caliph, and a group of about thirty thousand letters had asked him to come to Kufa and become their Imam and leader. Here, the argument against the Imam was over. Therefore, the Imam sent his cousin Muslim and after him another messenger and finally left.
Abdullah Ibn Ja’far, the Imam’s cousin and the wife of Hazrat Zainab, spoke with the Emir of Mecca and promised a letter of condolence to the gentleman.
Now, before addressing the greatness of the epic of Imam Hussein (AS), several points are worth mentioning.
Firstly, in this epic, Imam Hussein had brought with him all his first-degree relatives except his brother Muhammad Hanafieh, and secondly, Imam Hussein had brought all his movable property and had no intention of returning, because of the presence of the people of Medina when the Imam left the city. And the weeping and wailing of the people at the time of farewell to the Imam and his family. Third, the Imam was determined to carry out this divine mission to the point that many relatives such as Muhammad Hanafiyyah, Ibn Abbas, Abdullah Ibn Ja’far insisted and mediated that he should not do so. In response, while accepting their arguments, he said: I have to go. Some even suggested that now that you have a definite determination to leave, do not take your family with you, but he did not accept. (Because he wanted to show the peak of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice in the presence of God, angels, prophets and divine guardians)
If we take a brief look at the history of mankind, from Adam to the present day, we do not see an incident with the slightest resemblance to the incident of Karbala. Among the prophets, only Ibrahim was set on fire for preaching monotheism, and God saved him According to the dream he had three times, he decided to sacrifice his child, which was also rejected by God (but Imam Hussein sacrificed his sons, nieces, nephews, cousins ​​and all his companions to God).

Meeting of Allama Bahr al-Ulum with Imam Zaman (AS)

Bahrol olom

The late Mullah Zayn al-Abedin Salmasi said: One day we were sitting in the House of Fakhr al-Shi’a, Ayatollah Allama Bahr al-Uloom (RA) in Najaf Ashraf, when the scholar Mirza Abu al-Qasim Qomi, the author of the Book of Laws, came to visit Allama.

That year was the year that Mirza came from Iran to visit the Iraqi Imams (as) and perform the Hajj of the Sacred House of God. Those in the classroom, which numbered more than a hundred, dispersed. Only I was left with three of the qualities of the companions of Allama, who were of the highest degrees of virtue, piety and ijtihad.

Mohaghegh Qomi turned to Sayyid and said: You have reached the physical authorities (because of sovereignty) and the spiritual authorities (near the holy shrine of the Commander of the Faithful) and the esoteric. After those infinite blessings, grant us something.

Sayyid said without hesitation: Last night or two nights ago (there is a doubt about the carrier) I went to Kufa Mosque to offer night prayers. With the intention of returning to Najaf Ashraf in the early morning, so that the lessons will not be closed. When I came out of the mosque, I was eager to go to Sahleh Mosque; But I withdrew from it, for fear of not reaching Najaf Ashraf; But moment by moment my enthusiasm grew and my heart longed for it.

I was in the same state of doubt when suddenly a wind blew and dust arose and moved me towards Sahleh Mosque. It was not long before I found myself next to Sahleh Mosque. I entered the mosque; I saw that it is empty of pilgrims and hesitants, except that a noble person is praying to the God of Judges, with sentences that upset the heart and made the eyes weep.

My mood changed and my heart sank and my knees trembled and tears flowed from hearing those words. These were sentences I had never heard or seen; Therefore, I understood that the supplicant should not read those words from his archives; Rather, he composes them.

I stood in my place and listened and enjoyed them until he finished praying. Then he turned to me and said in Persian: Mehdi, come and go and stand.

He said again that I was going. I went again for a while and stopped. For the third time, he ordered to go forward and said: politeness is in obedience. That is, come as far as I said, not to stop for the sake of observing politeness.

Jamkaran mosque HISTORY

History of Jamkaran Mosque
Sheikh Fadhil Hassan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hassan Qomi, who was one of the great Qadma and Shiite scholars and one of the contemporaries of Sheikh Saduq, may God have mercy on him, in his book called History of Qom, about the construction of the Holy Mosque of Jamkaran from the book Quoted from: Sheikh Hassan Mosleh Jamkarani, who is one of the elders, says: I was sleeping in my house in Jamkaran village on Tuesday night, the 17th of Ramadan, 393 AH. It was half past last night when suddenly some people came to my house and They woke me up and said: Arise and answer your Lord Hazrat Mahdi Sahib al-Zaman (as) who has asked you.
Hassan says: I got up and gathered myself and got ready, I said: Let me put on my shirt. “They sang that you should not wear the shirt that is not yours.” I took her hand and took off my pants, the call came that the pants you took were not from you, “take it off. “I threw it down and took off my pants and put them on. Then I went to the key to open the door. They sang that the door was open.

When I came home, I saw a group of elders, I greeted them, they answered and they said hello. They took me to the place that is now Jamkaran Mosque, because I looked well, I saw a bed on which a nice carpet was placed and luxurious pillows were placed on it, and a thirty-year-old man was leaning on that bed and on all fours, and an old man was sitting next to him. And he took a book in his hand and read it to the young man, and more than sixty men around him were praying on this earth, some in white clothes and some in green clothes.
That old man was Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) and he ordered me to sit down. Then the Imam (pbuh) took my name and said: Go to Hassan Muslim and say: You have occupied this land for five years and planted and cultivated it. , But we ruin it. This is an honorable land, and the Almighty has chosen and honored it from other lands. This year, you have arranged it again to cultivate it, while you do not have such permission, so any interest And the benefit that you have taken from this land so far, you must return to build a mosque in this place. God Almighty took your two young sons back because of this wrongdoing that you committed and took it as part of your land, but you were not warned, if you want to do it again, the divine punishment will come to you as you are not aware.
I said: O sir and gentleman! I have to have a sign for this; Because people do not accept my words without a sign.
Imam (pbuh) said: “We put a sign here” to confirm your words, you go and do our mission. (In Qom) Go to Sayyid Abu al-Hassan, tell him to come with you and present Hassan ibn Muslim and take the benefits of many years from him and use the building of the mosque. We spent the rest of the expenses from Rahq village of Ardahal to bring our property and finish the construction of the mosque. We dedicated half of Rahq village to this mosque to bring its income every year and spend it on the mosque building