Miracles of Shiite Imams

Healing an Australian Paralyzed at the Muharram Ceremony of Imam Hussein (AS)
Healing an Iraqi girl in Najaf(by Imam Ali)


The story is of a child from Zarand, Kerman, who has suffered from numerous lumps in the neck area, the first went to Zarand and then in Yazd. There, his father is told that he has lymphoma and needs to undergo chemotherapy. The child insists that he be taken to visit Imam Reza (as). Despite the doctor’s opposition, the father takes the child to Mashhad, and makes a pilgrimage, then the child sleeps. His mother says I saw him, he kept saying in his sleep, pick up the phone, until he woke up. We told him what dream you had. He said, “I dreamed that your phone rang, and you didn’t wake up. I had to pick up the phone yourself. Someone greeted me from behind the phone and said: I am calling from Imam Reza (AS). Come to the shrine. He says in my dream I went to the shrine. It was closed everywhere, but I would reach any door, it would open. Until I reached the shrine;

I saw a gentleman sitting in the shrine with a bright face, I greeted him, He answered and said, “What’s wrong with you, Muhammad?” I said, “These masses are under my neck. I’m still going to die soon. I’m a child.” Mohammad amin says: The Imam put his hand under my neck and said: God willing, you will be fine and no need to doctor  (Mohammad says his hand was a little wet). I woke up after sleep. After him, Mohammad’s problem was solved.