Miracles of Shiite Imams

Mashhadi’s young healing

This man explains that when he was 18 years old, he contracted a gastrointestinal disease and was forced to be hospitalized for five months in 1337 AH in Imam Reza (AS) Hospital in Mashhad. He says: I was getting worse day by day. No one could help me. I was usually hospitalized in a multi-bed room. I was recently transferred to a one-bed room. During these five months, my only prayer was this , O Imam Reza, heal me so that I can put two tomans(Iranian coin)  in your shrine. If you do not heal me, I will go and complain to your sister, Hazrat Masoumeh.

He says that one day I saw that I was very ill, and once I saw that I was near the roof, and the nurses who came to take me to the cold house (Where the dead are kept.(. I told them: I am alive, why are you doing this, but no one answered.

Then I realized that I was dead, this is my soul that sees everything. In the cold, naked house, a lot of ice was poured on me. I was also confused for about thirty hours, once I saw two young clerics talking to each other. I said:  help me, they said: Tell those two people; I looked this way, I saw two Mr. clerics . He says: One of them said: God willing, you will be fine and he touched my body. And he gave me something like a berry to eat.

The man says: The two people disappeared. Suddenly I saw that I was inside my body, my hands and feet were tied together. I opened it with great effort. The room was very dark and cold. I tried to find the door of the morgue, my hand hit a corpse, I hit another corpse again, I was very scared. One time I saw the same gentleman come, once it was lit inside the morgue, I saw 5 other corpses there, the gentleman said: Take two tomans (coin) and throw it in our shrine and don’t complain to my sister anymore. And the gentleman disappeared again. He says: I started shouting, the guard of the hospital came behind the door and said: What are you doing? I said: Imam Reza (AS) has healed me. Let’s open the door. He says: He came with a few people and opened the door.because I was naked. I clung to him until they left and brought me clothes from inside the hospital. I explained the story of my healing. I showed myself a coin (two tomans) that the Imam had given me.

He says everyone was telling me: give me the coin, a voice in my ear was saying: don’t.

He tells my doctor that he came to see me and examined me and confirmed that I had died two days ago, and that I was safe now (here is a picture of himself and his doctor at the time).

The doctor tells me to give the coin, but someone in my ear said, “Don’t give the coin. I didn’t give it to him.”

He says that Ayatollah Milani, who was the authority of imitation at that time, was informed that he came to see me. When he told me to give the coin, no one told me not to give it to him, so I gave it to him, kissed him and returned it.

At that moment, my doctor said, “Why didn’t you give it to me?” I said, “Someone in my ear told me not to.”

He says they took me to our house, they didn’t know about my recovery. The mourning ceremony was held. With this news, the ceremony was ruined. My father and mother were very happy, my father told me to give the coin, but he said no, I didn’t give it to him either. My mother said, “Give it to her.” He kissed her and gave her back.

He says that a few days later we went to the shrine with Ayatollah Milani. The servants of the shrine opened the way so that I could put the coin in the shrine.

About 30 cm left, a hand came and took the coin from me, Ayatollah Milani immediately said: You saw the hand, I said: Yes, but we asked the people; no one had seen the hand.

healing by Imam reza
Turning the soil of Karbala into blood on the day of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein